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Ric’s long fingers reached behind Jacob and cupped the tight cheeks of his ass, pulling him closer, squeezing rhythmically. Jacob groaned and Harrison swallowed hard, watching their energy grow around them, wondering if they planned to truly torture her, to keep her bound while they took their satisfaction with each other.

Jacob pulled back, breathless. “It’s more intense now that she’s here, isn’t it? You feel more.”

Ric nodded, dazed. “I didn’t think it was possible, but yes.”

Jacob thrust his hips against Ric’s one last time before pulling away. “And when we are complete, when we are inside her…it will only increase. Now take off your clothes, Ricardo. Show her what she’s missing by resisting.”

Harrison had seen Ric naked before, when he’d shifted this morning, and parts of him that night on the stairs. But it seemed new, special. He kept his gaze on her face, his own flushed from Jacob’s kiss. His lips were so full, his almond-shaped hazel eyes lit with need.

She studied him carefully, her thighs tightening with each new patch of skin revealed. She saw some scars. Scars he hadn’t, or couldn’t have removed by magic. They only made him more appealing. He wasn’t as tall or broad shouldered as Jacob, but he more than made up for it in other areas.


sp; Ric chuckled at the direction of her gaze, and she blushed. He came closer, his grip tight around his long, thick cock. “You like what you see? I’ve been thinking about you dropping to your knees and taking me in your mouth since I saw you in the shower.” He spoke over his shoulder at the disrobing Jacob. “She was in there with one of your younger sister’s more inventive spells. But it might be broken. Didn’t even take the edge off, poor thing.”

Harrison tore her gaze away from his erection and looked up to glare at Ric, but her attention was snared by Jacob. He spoke slowly, his tone dangerous to her heightened senses. “Did it fuck you?”

She wanted to tell him it had, make him jealous, but she found herself shaking her head no. Later she could blame it on her shock at seeing a naked god close up. He was too perfectly chiseled, too stunning to be real. He towered over her, his massive thighs pressed against the edge of the bed, close to her pillow. His hips were narrow and lean, and dark blond hair curled like crushed velvet around his thick erection. It was so close. All she had to do was lean over, stretch her neck, and she could taste him.

She licked her lips, and he growled. “I forgot about that. I’ll have that charm unraveled before the night is out. If you need any easing, we will be the ones to do it from now on. Tell me you understand, Harrison.”

“Mmm hmm.” It was growing larger before her eyes. Everything about him was so large. Large and lickable. She really needed to get a hold of herself. Needed to remember that she was supposed to be resisting, insuring that they couldn’t officially claim her and trap her for the rest of her life. “Don’t you think you could untie me? Where am I going to go? We’re in the middle of the jungle, and you’ve already bound my powers.”

Jacob lifted one golden eyebrow, drawing her attention to his too serious expression. The one she’d love to change to laughter. Why did he never smile? He smirked. “Nice try. I won’t make the mistake of underestimating you a second time. Not after you disappeared for three months, hiding in plain sight with humans. Without using your magic once. You are an incredibly resourceful, incredibly stubborn woman.”

“Besides—” Ric flopped on his side beside her, causing the bed to bounce slightly, “—tying you up isn’t really about you escaping, is it? Jacob finds the sight of you, bare on the bed, open and vulnerable to him, arousing. Don’t you, babe?”

He ran one long, lean finger over her hipbone, making her shiver. “He likes to spank too. And leave you moaning in submission for hours with a vibrator buried deep inside you, driving you insane while he reads the paper. A bit of a control freak, our prince.”

Jacob tilted his head, hands on his hips. “You love it.”

Ric kissed her shoulder and she could feel his smile. “I admit it. But I love paying you back even more. And I have a feeling I’ll have a partner in crime now, won’t I, princess?”

Harrison didn’t have a chance to respond. She was too busy being kissed by the flirtatious Ricardo. He was a good kisser. His lips were soft and warm. Delicious.

The bed dipped again, she felt the blazing heat of Jacob’s thighs as he settled in between hers. She groaned. She was so weak. The last thing she was thinking of was pulling away. Of rejecting them. She’d been sure she was stronger than this.

Ric lifted his mouth from hers and she followed his gaze down her body. Toward Jacob. Her skin felt super charged, her magic roiling beneath the surface. Red and gold twined with blue, swirling together like dancing light around their bodies.

And Jacob. His eyes were closed, skin pulled taut over his cheekbones and his jaw clenched tight. She could sense him, knew he was desperate to regain some semblance of control in order to get what he wanted. Namely her, begging him for release.

She heard Ric chuckle softly in her ear. “He doesn’t trust himself to taste you. He’s scared he’ll make himself into a liar by taking you before you offer. That’s a shame. Ah well, more for me.”

He bent his head and opened his mouth around one achingly sensitive nipple. Harrison cried out, and the sound drew Jacob’s laser like gaze. Starbursts of gold sparked in the bottomless blackness of his eyes.

She couldn’t help herself. Despite her determination to resist him, she found that she wanted to see if she could rattle his cage. Shake his control. Were these Ric’s emotions or hers? It didn’t matter. She wanted him to touch her. She pulled against the infernal ropes again. Still nothing but a soft caress and a nearly imperceptible tightening.

Jacob held her gaze from his position between her thighs, his nostrils flaring as though he caught the scent of her increasing arousal. Ric’s mouth softened on her breast, his body alert, waiting.

She lifted one eyebrow, taunting him. “Scared, Jacob?” She looked down at the daunting length of his erection, full and flushed and so close to where she wanted it to be she almost groaned aloud. “Afraid the big, powerful siren’ll be felled by a skinny, pampered, admittedly gorgeous—”

He squeezed her knees, stopping her mid sentence. “I believe I’ve just been challenged.”

Ric lifted his mouth from her breast and moaned. “You’ve done it, princess. The one thing a Gryffin has never been able to turn down is a challenge. There’s no escaping him now.”

Harrison swallowed around the knot in her throat. If Jacob had looked intimidating before, now he was down right lethal. He slid his palms beneath her thighs, spreading her legs further apart, draping one over Ric’s lean hip.

He didn’t speak, didn’t use his potent voice on her at all. He didn’t need to. His expression was every bit as effective as he studied the dark tuft of damp curls and what lay beneath. Despite the challenge he didn’t hurry, didn’t rush, just drove her crazy with the rough pads of his thumbs caressing her skin, his white teeth scraping across his lower lip.

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