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“We need to make a few calls.”


Solomon was out of bed before dawn, adding a scarf, gloves and a knit cap as he set out on his morning run. This was his first day off since he’d stepped back into the role of police chief, but that didn’t mean he’d take things easy.

He needed his routine back. Consistency, no matter how cold it was.

It might be the only thing that got him through the day.

Working helped. He’d gotten a round of applause the day he’d rebooted the outreach and training programs. Another after reports came in that Miller was being remanded to federal custody on obstruction charges.

That had been a good day.

There’d been difficult days as well, when Solomon had to let people go. Cleaning house to make a statement. If you crossed the line or broke the law in this department, you’d be gone.

But the hardest day of all had come yesterday, when James voluntarily placed his badge and gun on Solomon’s desk.

“You’ve known this was coming for years, so don’t deny it. I only stayed until you got your job back.”

“This is—”

“Crazy?” James interrupted. “I know. But it feels like the best move I’ve made in a long time. And I’m not disappearing. I’ll be working with Trick and a guy who works with Brady and Ken. You’ve met him. Carter something? Retired Marine? Anyway, in exchange for utilizing a few of my more unsavory contacts in other investigations, they’re going to help me with my problem.”

“You’re talking about Donna and the kids? Why do I get the feeling this new mission you’re on is going to be dangerous for my blood pressure?”

“Talk to me when you aren’t wearing that uniform and I’ll tell you what I can.”

Solomon looked up at him then, seeing more of the old James than he had in a long time. “Go do what you need to do, and I’ll try not to get a complex about you leaving me to carry on the family legacy alone.”

James scoffed at that. “You smashed that legacy bullshit to pieces, and it’s about time. This is all you, Younger. You see it, right? A fresh start for the one and only Chief Solomon Finn.”

A part of him would have preferred to keep James nearby, but at least they were talking again. And his brother wasn’t wrong. He was a good detective, but he’d always chafed at following the rules.

Solomon was a cop. He always had been and now he knew he always would be. The fact no longer made him feel guilty the way it used to. They were all getting a fresh start.

He could wish all day that he wasn’t doing it alone, that Hugo was with him, but the facts were undeniable. He was wounded, and that wound wouldn’t heal anytime soon, but he’d survive it. All he could do now was focus on one thing at a time.

Like the fact that this run might have been a bad idea.

Last night’s first snow had been light, but there’d been enough rain mixed in to turn it into slush, and the wind chill made him feel like he was jogging through the Arctic. He was freezing his ass off.

Time to take his morning run to the Y.

But right now, he needed coffee and a hot shower. ASAP.

He turned to take the shorter route home and saw a familiar SUV heading in his direction. His vehicle. Who the hell was driving…? “William?”

“Get inside before your balls fall off, you mad man.”

Déjà vu.

Solomon climbed in and shut the door, gloved hands gravitating toward the hot air blowing from the vents. “Stealing cars again?”

“More like saving this fair city’s hero from his personal death wish. Healthy is one thing, but in this weather? You’re daft, man.”

“You’re right. I wasn’t looking forward to walking back.”

William did a swift double take, and then tightened his grip on the steering wheel. “Sorry. Not used to anyone in this family agreeing with me right off. That only happens when something’s wrong.”

“Nothing’s wrong.” Nothing new. “I wanted to find you before you left anyway. To thank you.”

“For what?”

“Driving me to the hospital, helping me with those bookshelves, and giving me a head’s up about James. I won’t forget that.”

William turned into the driveway. “You’re giving me the willies, cuz. Are you dying? Am I dying?”

Solomon turned toward him, allowing his pleasant expression to harden. “Not yet. But I promise you, if you screw up this plan to save your ass by hurting Bronte Wayne in any way, shape or form? Regardless of my gratitude, or the fact that you’ve apparently grown on me and I’d enjoy keeping you around, you won’t like the consequences.”

His thick lashes lowered to conceal his eyes and his lips firmed defiantly, but he nodded. “I never planned to hurt her, and as long as I can help it, I never will. You have my word.”

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