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Solomon had taught him that.

He used to be proud of his dating record. He chose good men, talented men, every one of them relationship material, but no one he could see himself being happy with for the long haul. His parents had set a high bar, and he’d never been willing to settle for less.

Then Solomon Finn caught his eye. He’d noticed him long before they’d started working on projects together. He’d given himself a dozen lectures on the subject of his scowling, serious, eternally tense-looking boss and why Hugo needed to stay far away from that kind of trouble.

But it didn’t stop his fascination. Six months of cock-teasing followed by more than a year of emotional distance hadn’t stopped it either. He hadn’t been able to look at another man since he’d handed in his resignation. The few dates he’d gone on were mandatory outings to get his sisters to stop worrying. They didn’t count.

This was the only option he had left before he started shopping for rooms at the asylum. Sex or solitary confinement in a rubber room. Seemed like an easy choice to make when he put it like that.

“Here’s your room key,” the woman said disdainfully. “Your card will be charged for the full two nights regardless of how long you two are doing…whatever it is you plan to do.”

Hugo snatched the key card out of her hand and winked. “Thanks. But we’ll need every minute, believe me. See that man?” He tilted his head toward Solomon, who was glaring in her direction. He lowered his voice. “Raging bull ready to rut. Ever heard a man described like that? His stamina would boggle your mind. And the things he can do with his tongue makes the angels weep. If I call to be wheeled out to my car at check out, you’ll know exactly why.”

Her shocked gasp followed them as Hugo carried his bulging gym bag to the elevator. He refused to look at Solomon until he felt the brush of his shoulder, his breath against his ear. “Two nights?”

“I have today and tomorrow off, and I didn’t want to rush this.” His licked his lower lip, realizing he hadn’t asked for Solomon’s approval. “Got a problem with that?”

“No problem. I’m unemployed, remember? Though I might have brought a change of clothes if I knew.”

“You won’t need them.”

“That’s right. I’m a raging bull.”

Their smiles faded and an impatient, hungry silence descended as they rode the elevator and walked down the hallway to their hotel room.

Hugo was hard again. He’d just come like a geyser, but the idea of finally getting Solomon all to himself for days was his fantasy come to life.

His hands were shaking when his slid the card in the slot and opened the door. Shaking. Like there was no history between them. Like he’d never made love to anyone before.

Had sex. This is scratching an overdue itch, not making love. Don’t forget that.

He set his bag on the bed, telling himself to get his head on straight. He needed to remember that he was the one setting the rules and terms. He was in charge.

Solomon walked toward the balcony, hands shoved in his pockets. “Nice view of the city.”

“Yeah. Nice.” But as usual, once Hugo looked, he couldn’t see anything but him.

Was it his walk that had gotten his attention first? That slow, confident stride that reminded him of an Old West sheriff, sure of himself and his place in the world? Or was it those blue eyes that hid so much from everyone? That lit up when they looked his way?

It was a toss up.

Hugo wasn’t so distracted by his selfish desires that he didn’t notice Solomon’s stride didn’t hold the same confidence as it used to. That his shoulders were more weighted down than they’d been before.

So much had happened since the last time they’d been together. His father had died. His favorite cousin and his youngest brother had both found people to love. And there was more Hugo didn’t know. Things only Solomon could tell him, if he had the balls to ask.

Like why the hell had he resigned?

He wanted to know everything, but that led down a dangerous path and he had to protect himself, or he’d end up right back where he started. Being a fool for Solomon.

Hugo walked over to him, slipping his arms around his waist and resting his chin on his shoulder. “Are you hungry? Thirsty?”

Solomon shook his head, still pretending to be focused on the view.

“Neither am I.”

He turned him around, reaching for the hem of his sweatshirt and tugging it over his head. When it snagged on his cast, his soft curse made Hugo smile.

“We’ll work around it.”

He stood still as Hugo undressed him, stepping out of his shoes and pants until he was standing naked, daylight pouring in from the floor to ceiling windows behind him.

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