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He gripped Bellamy’s elbow and followed his family, muttering under his breath the entire time.

“Don’t worry, gorgeous. I’ve been to tougher meetings than your Finn Club’s.”

“Don’t get cocky.”

“You love my cocky.”


It wasn’t that he didn’t think Bellamy could handle himself. But Seamus still wasn’t sure where this relationship was going. It felt way too early for a group interrogation. Bellamy was just visiting, for Christ’s sake. What the hell was wrong with that?

Jen came up beside him and winked, holding a pitcher of margaritas. Trick was at her side with beers and bar snacks.

“You might need to hire a server soon, Seamus,” she said as they handed out drinks around two tables that had been pushed together. “Fiona is the best, but she’s only one woman, and this place is getting crowded. I’m so proud of you, but I’m definitely glad I don’t work here anymore.”

“I’m proud too,” Bellamy whispered in his ear. “I can show you how much if you want to ditch these guys and come home with me right now.”

Seamus bit his lip hard to control his reaction. He couldn’t believe, with everything going on, that he was actually tempted.

“What’s this about, Owen?”

“It’s called shock and awe,” Tasha said, her hand on the back of Stephen’s neck, playing with his hair. “All the men appear to be in shock, while Jen, Rory and I are firmly in Camp Awe.”

“They were so outnumbered, I thought I’d help out.” Rory shrugged with a lazy, distracted smile.

Seamus’s gaze found Wyatt. “I’m so glad I let you have a key,” he said a little sarcastically. “And that I can trust you to keep things to yourself.”

“Yeah. Wyatt’s the poster child for family loyalty,” Noah snorted. “No wait. I mean the male calendar model for being a judgmental dick.”

“Fuck off, Noah. I’m not the one making stupid decisions.”


“Okay guys,” Stephen interrupted, sending them warning looks. “This isn’t about you two. We’re here for Seamus.”

Bellamy pulled up a chair and sat down near the table, appearing so relaxed that Seamus couldn’t help but admire him. “Really? I was sure you were here about me.” When they were all looking at him he clarified, “Because I’m fucking him.”

Seamus had to find a chair or he’d embarrass himself by trying to curl up in a ball on the floor. “Nice.”

“I keep telling you I don’t do nice. That’s your department.”

Tasha laughed so hard she spilled some margarita onto her low-cut blouse. “I like this guy. Straight to the point.”

Tasha was never afraid to say what she was thinking either.

Bellamy gave her his most charming grin and then his gaze shifted to the somber Stephen. “You’re his twin? You don’t look much like him to me.”

Seamus imagined his confused expression matched everyone else’s. They were identical. They had different haircuts and lived different lives, but still. “It must be the suit. Stephen’s always been the better dresser.”

Seamus smiled at Tasha when Stephen wouldn’t meet his eye.

“It’s not the suit.”

Tasha gave Bellamy a strange look. “I agree. But most people would have a hard time telling them apart. I keep asking to give Seamus a haircut and a tie and stick him in Stephen’s office. Imagine the hijinks.”

Something was definitely bothering his brother. Tasha usually made him smile. “Stephen?”

“How long have you been keeping this a secret?”

Why was he staring at him like he’d kicked the damn puppy none of them had even gotten yet? “Nowhere near as long as you kept your relationship with Tasha a secret from me, Stephen.”

His brother’s lips tightened but he dipped his head in acknowledgment. “What about the Scott debacle? When Owen and I both had to come clean? Wouldn’t that have been a good time to put it out there?”

“I didn’t know then,” he told them all honestly, feeling bad when he saw Jen pale a little at the reminder of her ex. “I mean, it’s never been an issue. I wouldn’t have hidden it from you if I had.”

“Believe it or not, he was still oblivious for half the Galway trip until I showed him the error of his ways,” Bellamy offered. “Even Gillian knew before he did. He’s good at seeing what other people want, but blind when it comes to anything about himself.”

“You gets points for that,” Jen said with a small smile. “And for being smart enough to follow him home.”

Owen finally chimed in. “But when we saw him that night, he was asking Gillian to marry him and saying Bellamy was an entitled, arrogant—”

“Shut up, Owen,” Seamus growled while Bellamy chuckled.

“Let him speak, gorgeous. You’ve called me worse to my face.”

“He has?” Tasha leaned forward, intrigued.

Owen sent Tasha a silencing look. “I’m just saying he’s been alone for a long time, and now he’s bouncing from one big decision to another, and it’s all a little fast for him. I’m worried he hasn’t thought it through. Younger is worried too, which is why I think he wouldn’t—”

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