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Sweet, Jesus. The sight was already making Seamus’s dick hard beneath his robe.

“Seamus?” Bellamy gave him a look of surprise. “I didn’t expect to see you until tonight. Are you Connor’s next victim?”

Seamus scowled. “Did you know I was coming here?”

“He didn’t, but I did,” the young man said. “You must be Gill’s friend. I’m Connor.”

“Seamus Finn,” he acknowledged with a grudging nod.

Connor was a tall, athletic redhead with a full beard. He had one hell of a smile and, annoyingly, looked like someone Gillian should marry and have ten kids with instead of Seamus. “Gill called not an hour ago and said if I didn’t see you this afternoon, she’d close my tab. Can you believe that woman? You’d be doing me a favor if you stuck around.”

“She’s very spirited,” Bellamy remarked as he sat there, letting Connor lift and lower his arm. “Has she always been like that?”

Seamus was trying not to notice his nudity, but it wasn’t easy. He wanted to look. He wanted to touch. He wanted to take what Bellamy had so willingly offered.

Wanted it so much he could taste it.

Was it hot in here?

“Since she was in braids.” Connor sighed, smiling fondly. “I told you earlier I have stories that would curl your hair.”

“Really?” Seamus hadn’t planned on saying anything. Or looking at anything but his feet.

Bellamy’s laugh was a little forced. “Now you’ve piqued his interest, Connor. He’ll want every Gillian story you’ve got. Poor man has a crush.”

“Join the club. We’re done now, Mr. Demir. I want you to ice your shoulder in a few hours and try to stay out of the fights for at least a few days. It takes some time to recover from a torn rotator cuff, even after surgery and therapy.” Connor handed Bellamy his robe and he held it in front of his waist as he stood up.

Why aren’t you putting it on, you exhibitionist?

Bellamy’s expression said he hadn’t wanted to talk about his injury. “Don’t worry about me, kid. My shoulder feels better already. Seamus is the one in desperate need of relaxation. He’s very bottled up.”

And whose fault is that?

“Gill said the same thing.” Connor changed the sheet swiftly and efficiently, washing his hands before patting the table. “Take off your robe and lie down so we can get started.”

“See you later, Finn.”

Seamus wasn’t ready for Bellamy to leave. The compulsion was so strong he started talking before he could rationalize it away. “I’ve been meaning to talk to you about my cousins, Bellamy.” He glanced awkwardly at the floor and flexed his hands. “If you have time?”

Bellamy stilled and tilted his head, watching through his lashes as Seamus set his robe on a nearby chair and climbed onto the table in nothing but his underwear. “I can make time. What did you want to know?”

Following the instructions, Seamus lay down on his stomach, his hands folded underneath his head, as Connor dropped a sheet over his lower half. He was glad he wasn’t on his back. The last thing the guy wanted to see before he started massaging him was his erection.

“Did you happen to catch a first name? I promised my father I’d find—” Seamus lost his train of thought as warm oil was rubbed onto his back and shoulders. “Oh my God. What the heck was that?”

“That’s a massage,” Connor laughed. “And I’m thinking that was just the beginning. You might be sore tomorrow because your back is a mess, Seamus. May I call you Seamus? Gill’s been talking about your emails since they started, so I feel like I know you and that big Finn clan of yours.”

Seamus’s eyes were practically rolling back in his head. How was it possible he’d gone his whole life without experiencing this? “Mmhmm. Huh? Seamus. Sure.”

“Good. She told me this was your first vacation and now I believe it. Have you been spending every day stuck in the brewery?”

“It’s great there.” He could actually feel the tension in his shoulders melting away and taking his worries with it. Some of his worries…and not all of his tension. As long as Bellamy was around, that wasn’t going anywhere. “It’s like the Disneyland of beer.”

Bellamy’s husky chuckle made Seamus open one of his eyes. He was sitting in a chair against the wall, his robe bunched up in his lap while he watched Connor massage him. “Aren’t you going to put that on?”

“I’m hot-blooded,” Bellamy said with a shrug. “And this fabric soaks in the oil. But I can put it on if it makes you more comfortable.”


“No, that’s fine.”

Bellamy’s lips curved. Cocky bastard.

“Have you been to Disneyland?” Connor asked as he kneaded Seamus like bread dough.

“With the kids, yeah. So technically I’ve been on vacation, just not an adult vacation.” He snorted. “It was great. Penny got sick on the teacups, Wes had to pee every five minutes and I lost Jake in the haunted house. But they had a good time.”

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