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How was this happening? After the things Bellamy had said outside, Seamus had decided he never wanted to speak to him again, but somehow he’d wound up sitting right beside him at a table with Owen, Jeremy, and Gillian.

He glanced down at his beer. He was going to need a lot more if he wanted to forget what Bellamy’s graphically sexual words.

I knew the second I saw you that I wanted to fuck you.

Who said that to someone they hardly knew? He was probably just trying to shock Seamus. If so, he’d done his job. He couldn’t stop thinking about it. It was almost surreal to know that if he wanted to, he could actually hook up with a man tonight. This man.

Not that he would, because hookups weren’t his thing, no matter what the gender, right? But if they were….

Bellamy grinned at Owen. “Hell, yes I know him. Long hair, tattoos, and dangerous with computers or ropes depending on his mood, right?”

Seamus stiffened. Had they dated or something? “What do you know about ropes?”

“Probably more than you, Mr. Mom.” Owen was teasing but he shook his head subtly, reminding Seamus that when it came to kink, he shouldn’t talk about things he didn’t understand.

He had a point. Seamus didn’t know anything about BDSM other than what Owen and Tasha threw out in casual conversation, and that was more information than he needed. Even if he were inclined, having a houseful of kids would make indulging in that kind of thing impossible.

Bellamy barely hid his smile. “You said he’s with someone exclusively? Are you telling me he’s finally found the man who can keep him in line?” He winked at Gillian, whose cheeks had gone deep red at the topic, though she tried to hide it. She looked especially lovely tonight, Seamus thought almost defiantly. And he did want her, damn it.

Of course he did.

“Their cousin Brady,” Jeremy answered in a louder voice than necessary. Bellamy was right, he and Owen had both had more than a few shots of whiskey to wash down their beer. Seamus was glad they weren’t driving anywhere. “His brothers call him Gigantor and he used to be a Marine so…”

Bellamy nodded, as if that explained everything. “A giant Marine would do it, I imagine.”

“Tanaka’s the reason we’re here,” Owen shared as he wrapped his arm around Jeremy’s shoulder and started playing with his husband’s shirt collar. “Seamus too. We got a honeymoon for Christmas, and my big brother got to meet Gill.” He raised his glass with his free hand. “To Gill.”

Seamus would drink to that. “To Gill,” he said with absolute sincerity. “You’ll never know how glad I am that you ended up being Gillian.”

She laughed at that and reached up to kiss his cheek. “I’m glad you’re glad. But I’m still not marrying you, Seamus Finn. At least, not today.” She glanced over at Bellamy and her smile flickered for the space of a heartbeat. “I really need to get back to work, but I’ll see you boys later.”

When she left Jeremy and Owen were chuckling and whispering in each other’s ears. “What’s so funny?”

Owen was wearing a goofy grin. “Nothing. We’re glad too. Glad she’s not a damsel in distress. Glad she’s not pregnant and on the run. Glad she didn’t trick you into—”

“That’s enough,” Seamus interrupted grimly, too aware of their audience. “I know you’re enjoying yourself, but even if you don’t think I do, she deserves more respect than that.”

Owen ducked his head sheepishly. “You’re right. I’m sorry, Seamus. I think I’m drunk.”

“I know it. Let’s get some coffee in you ASAP.” Jeremy said to Owen, pulling him to his feet. “No more whiskey tonight. Maybe ever. You might not be Irish enough to handle it.”

“I’ll show you how Irish I am.” Owen’s voice faded as he stumbled away.

Seamus was embarrassed, and once again alone with a man he didn’t want to have anything to do with. A man he had no idea what to make of. “I think I should join them. They get distracted when they’re alone together, as you made sure to point out. They could end up being arrested before the night’s over.”

“I see.” Bellamy leaned back in his chair, frowning pensively. “Just so we’re clear, you’re solidly in the closet then? The hints were all there but I’m used to ignoring things I don’t want to know. You’re so relaxed around your brother and his husband, but they don’t know you’re bi, do they?”

“What I am is my business.” He wasn’t in any closet. There were aspects of himself he chose not to focus on. It wasn’t the same thing at all.

“We’ve been circling each other for days, and I know you’ve been watching me almost as much as I’ve watched you. Now you’re jumpy and tense and you can’t even look at me. Was I too pushy? Are you afraid I’ll jump you right here in the middle of this bar?”

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