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“I suppose them being newlyweds explains the behavior.” Bellamy’s laugh was wicked. “They’re in line for the bathroom right now, wrapped around each other like no one is watching. Not that I mind, but I have heard Gill’s father warn a few couples apart this evening. This is a family establishment you know.”

Bellamy had added the last bit with Gable Murphy’s clear brogue, but Seamus wasn’t laughing with him. He considered himself a peaceful, good-natured man, but no one talked about his family. Particularly not this ass who was distracting Gill and Jeremy with his magnetic appeal. Distracting Seamus and making him lose sleep.

He stepped into Bellamy’s space and grabbed a fistful of soft cotton without thinking. “If they bother you so much, Mr. Demir, maybe you should leave.”

“Call me Bellamy, Seamus.” He looked down at the fist still gripping his shirt with an intrigued smile. “That’s a surprisingly short fuse you have. Gillian never mentioned that. But then, I don’t imagine she gets you as aggravated as I seem to.”

Seamus let him go hastily. He didn’t enjoy losing his temper, but this guy seemed to like stirring the pot. “No, she doesn’t.”

Thank God.

Bellamy seemed pleased. “Well, don’t hold back on my account. I bet you could do some damage if someone got you worked up enough.”

“No one’s ever tried.”

“And you’d rather they didn’t, I can see that. Don’t worry, you hide it well. That big-but-harmless routine has everyone fooled.”

Seamus scowled. “Are you trying to pick a fight?”

It sounded like it. Everything the man was saying felt like a challenge.

“Usually. But that’s not why I came outside. I was curious about your evening appointments.” He glanced at the pocket where Seamus had stashed his phone. “They’re lucky to have such an attentive father. How many children do you have?”

“Don’t take this the wrong way, but I’ve heard about you too, and I’d rather not discuss my kids with a pampered bully. Especially not one that’s after Gillian.”

Bellamy grinned. “Is there a right way to take that? I’m flattered you’ve been asking about me, so I’ll give you pampered,” he acknowledged. “And too forward on occasion, though I’m working on that. But I’m not after Gillian, Seamus. I think you know why.”

“I don’t, actually.”

“I’m gay.”

Every muscle in Seamus’s body tightened with awareness. Oh God. Something in him had known the second he saw Bellamy. How had he known? “You’re gay?”

Bellamy laughed again. “All my life. Did Gable tell you I wanted Gillian? He thinks everyone with a dick is after his daughter. I heard you were interested in her too.”

“The difference is, I am.” Seamus crossed his arms over his chest, relieved but still on the defensive.

Bellamy tilted his head, his hair falling over his forehead, and his eyes practically glowing in the evening shadows. “Really? I could have sworn you were just good friends.”

First Owen and now this jackass. What was he supposed to do, toss her on the bar and publically stake a claim?

He could see Bellamy doing something like that. Dragging Seamus to the center of the room and kissing him with those soft lips until he was begging for more, audience or not. Taking his cock out and—

“I’ve only been here a few days,” he said, desperate to distract himself. “These things take time.”

“Not if you’re doing it right.” Bellamy pushed himself off the wall and moved closer. “In my experience, you either feel it or you don’t. And when you see something you want? You do whatever you have to do to make it yours.” He licked his lower lip and watched Seamus with hooded eyes. “Not that it’s any of my business, pampered bully that I am, but it’s not really fair to lead her on when your feelings are…elsewhere.”

Seamus shook his head in denial. “My feelings aren’t elsewhere, and your experience isn’t mine.” Their experiences were light years apart. Different solar systems. “Look, I don’t really know you, and you definitely don’t know me. Let’s save us both some trouble and keep it that way.”

He started walking away again, ready to get some distance from the disturbing man. The only good thing that had come out of it was the fact that he knew Bellamy Demir wasn’t interested in Gill. He was gay. Not a rival, but still a dick.

You want him and he’s gay, you idiot. Take what you want for once in your life.

No. He refused to think about that. It wasn’t an option. It would never be an option.

“I do know one thing about you,” Bellamy called after him.

“What?” He looked over his shoulder impatiently.

“I knew the second I saw you that I wanted to fuck you.”

Chapter Four

The universe had it in for him.

“You know Ken Tanaka?” Owen stared slack-jawed at Bellamy Demir, all his earlier jealousy forgotten. “Man, talk about a small world.”

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