Page 57 of Wish for Love

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“I’m so sorry I couldn’t meet you at Mack’s. Work has me busy. I had it scheduled in my phone but I—”

“At least you caught me before I headed out the door. Not every woman calls me three times to cancel.”

“You’re welcome. I didn’t want you to think I stood you up.”

He sighed. “I appreciate that. So… you’re here by yourself?”

She swallowed her mouthful of popcorn. “I am.” She tilted her head toward him. “Are you?”

“Me too.” He brushed his palms together. “I know you said you’re busy with work. I haven’t had the time myself to call you, but I would like to take you out.”

Leah’s mouth fell open. “Wow…”

His eyes fixed on hers. “I would love to get to know you better, Leah.”

Worry coiled through her. Only one man came to mind. He invaded her thoughts since the wedding—their almost kiss.

“The one thing my grandmother taught me,” Craig said, “was being a gentleman. I believe in honesty, but if you don’t want to Leah, I understand.”

A corner of her mouth lifted. “Craig, you’re sweet. I like you… but if you want this to be more than friends… I won’t be able to give you that.”

He bobbed his head. “Someone beat me to the punch?”

“Something like that.”

Craig’s mouth twisted into a half smile. “I can respect that. I’ll tell you what, how about dinner between friends? My treat. I won’t tell your instructor.”

She covered her mouth to stifle her laugh. “It won’t be awkward for you? I don’t want you to be uncomfortable.”

“It’ll be fine. What do you say?”

Was Gemma right? Should Leah enjoy the attention? She exhaled. “Sure. I’d like that.”

Craig’s eyes lit up. She smiled back and pointed to the screen as the opening credits appeared.


Leah giggled as Chip scrambled to his dog bowl in the kitchen. She slipped her wedges off her feet and smiled at the dog. While her date with herself turned into hanging out with Craig, joy danced through her heart.

She pressed her hands to her cheeks as her bare feet padded her kitchen-tiled floor. She went out on a date by herself. At first, she wanted to curl up in shame. Wouldn’t others feel sorry for her sitting all alone? Still, she pressed through, despite her sensitive stomach.

Her mouth twitched as she recalled agreeing to meet Craig for dinner. He proved himself a gentleman, even opening her car door when she said goodnight. Chip’s barks and scratches at the door interrupted her thoughts, so Leah opened the back door for her puppy.

She hurried to her bedroom for her slippers. As she pulled out her phone to charge it, she spotted two missed calls on her cell. Her eyebrows raised up. Leah’s mouth parted, but she rose to her feet hearing Chip’s barks from the outside.

He dashed past her once she opened the door, and she trailed behind him to her bedroom. While Chip played with his chew toy, Leah stared at her phone.

8:58 PM… Seth: Call me when u get a chance

Her forehead furrowed. Was something wrong? Seth never called this late. He usually sent a friendly text at lunchtime. Wrinkling her nose, Leah called him back. He answered on the second ring.

“Hey,” he greeted.

“Hi, sorry I missed your call. Is everything okay?” She sat on her bed, crossing her ankles in front of her.

Seth said, “Yeah, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to worry you. I wondered if you were free to hang out tomorrow night.”

She undid her ponytail. “Hang out where?”

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