Page 11 of Her Beast

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“I’m going to see her aunt. I think she and I have a lot to discuss.”

He watched as Dwayne picked up both girls and threw them into the pool. Turning his back on the party, Beast went back toward his desk, wondering what it was about her that wouldn’t let fucking go.


Armed with the necessary papers, Beast parked his car outside of Tay Miller’s house. She’d never been married, and was known for being the sister of a murderer. She also had a reputation for being a bit of a slut.

“Do you want me to go in for you, boss?” Donny asked.

“No. Stay here.”

Climbing out of the car, he saw most of the houses in the neighborhood needed some kind of care. Buttoning up his jacket, he made his way toward the house, lifting his hand to knock.

“I’m coming. I’m fucking coming.” Tay opened the door. Curlers were in her hair, and the scent of cigarettes hung heavy in the air.

The moment she caught sight of him, she paled. He liked that.


He could do whatever he wanted. People were so easily controlled by fear, by the unknown, and he loved to do that.

As he stepped over the threshold, she backed away, and he pulled the papers out of his pocket.

“I’ve done nothing,” she said. “I don’t have anything to do with your type.”

He held out the pen for her to take. “Read it.”

She took the pen and glanced down. She started reading through the emancipation order he’d drawn up. “What has Hope done? We had an agreement!”

“You should have been grateful that you had another person to share your life with. Your brother took away a great deal inside her. Made her have to deal with what a small town does to an outsider. You’re a despicable human being. Sign her over, and you get this.” He held up some rolled-up notes, seeing the greed in her eyes.

Hope wasn’t thriving here. She deserved better, and he was going to make sure she got it. “Where’s her room?”

“First bedroom down the hall.”

He went to the room, seeing that she didn’t have that much in the way of possessions. Picking up the picture frame beside her bed, he saw her mother. The only person who really mattered to Hope. The one person he couldn’t bring back.

After packing up her stuff, he made his way downstairs and checked over the signed paperwork. Seeing that it had Tay’s signature, he handed her over the cash. She took it greedily, and he smiled. Heading toward the house, he heard her shout.

“You bastard.” Spinning around, he shot her with a glare. “You … it’s one-dollar bills.”

“I know. Next time maybe your greed won’t get in the way.” He’d put a large bill around one dollars to make it look like they were all the same.

Chapter Four

Hope once again stepped out into the cool night. The weather at the moment was all over the place. One moment it was boiling hot, the next so cold a jacket wouldn’t do to protect her.

When she spotted Beast leaning against his car once again, she stopped. Should she go to him? He confused her, his presence making her nervous as she wanted things she never wanted from a man before, from anyone. Just by being near him, she felt the changes inside her, the craving, burning need, like fire building.

“Hey,” she said, not moving closer.

“I’ve got a present for you.”

“Oh,” she said, finally stepping closer. It was rude not to, right?

She held onto her bag tightly, not wanting to let it go.

He pulled out some papers from his pocket and handed them to her. He stood beneath a streetlight, so as she took them, she was able to read.

“Emancipation orders.” She shook her head, flicking to the back. “No, no, I don’t want this. I told you the money I have is for college. I can’t afford to live on my own.” Didn’t he know that she’d looked into everything these orders could mean? She’d done multiple calculations, seeing if there was any way she could be free of the woman who liked to spit up the past. Every single cent would be gone within a couple of years, and she’d have to turn to scholarships. She didn’t want that. Her plan kept her focused. She knew what she wanted, and this right now, wasn’t it. “She signed.” Tears filled her eyes, but they were happy. “Why? I don’t want this. I told you I didn’t want this.”

He took hold of her arms, but she was so distracted that any pleasure she’d have gotten from his touch rolled off her. She didn’t want his touch in that moment.

“You’re safe, Hope. She’d given you your freedom, but I’ve got a room for you at my place.”

This made her pause. “What?”

“I didn’t want to have to deal with a screaming aunt telling the world I stole her niece.”

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