Page 24 of Brand of Possession

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‘If you’re married, yes!’ she said heatedly.


She frowned. ‘Why? Because I don’t go out with married men, that’s why!’

‘Okay, so I’m not married.’

‘What does that mean?’

He sighed. ‘It means that I want you to go out with me.’

‘Yes, but—that—that doesn’t answer my question.’ She sprang to her feet. ‘You are married, aren’t you?’ You have that look about you,’ she accused.

He watched her with amused blue eyes. ‘Browbeaten and trapped?’ he taunted.

Stacy began collecting her things together, throwing everything into her handbag with agitated movements. ‘No, I wouldn’t say that,’ she muttered angrily. ‘Just a—a married look.’

Jake stood up too. ‘What are you doing?’ he demanded.

She glared at him. ‘I’m packing up to go back to the hotel,’ she snapped. ‘I should have realised,’ she picked up her towel. ‘I suppose everyone else at the hotel knows you’re married, that’s why you have this thing about being alone with me.’

He touched her bare arm. ‘It isn’t that at all, Stacy. I—’

‘Oh yes, it is,’ she cut in vehemently. ‘I should have known.’ She gave a bitter laugh. ‘God, I’ve really made a fool of myself this time! I’m too trusting, too impetuous, that’s my trouble. Just look at you—sophisticated, handsome, oozing self-confidence. Why should you be interested in someone like me? I’ve been asking myself that all day—and now I have my answer. I’m naïve enough not to even think of you being a married man.’

‘Stacy!’ he shook her hard. ‘I’m not married!’

She wrenched away from him. ‘I don’t believe you.’

‘I was married, I admit that, but I’m not now.’

That halted her angry movements. ‘So you aren’t married now?’

‘No,’ he shook his head.

She bent down to fold up the blanket. ‘I still want to go back to the hotel.’

‘There’s no need—’

‘There’s every need!’ she said fiercely. ‘I don’t want to be here with you any longer.’

‘Come on, Stacy,’ his voice cajoled. ‘There’s no need to be like this. I admit I shouldn’t have teased you like that, but I really didn’t mean to upset you like this. I didn’t realise you’d take it so seriously.’

‘Oh, I’m not upset,’ she told him sarcastically. ‘I enjoy being told by the man who just kissed me that he’s a married man.’

‘Past tense, Stacy—was a married man.’

‘You didn’t say that.’

‘I never once said I was married,’ he told her patiently. ‘Not once. You were the one saying that.’

‘I’ll wait for you on board.’ She began wading out to the boat, leaving him to carry the rest of the things back.

Within minutes he had joined her, starting the engine without a word. Stacy watched his rigid profile with resentful eyes, pulling on her trousers and top before sitting hunched up on the seat.

Jake gave her a brief look. ‘I take it you aren’t going to talk?’

‘You take it right,’ she said stiffly.

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