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Weston was confused. "Why?"

"I'm not sure. Might be some sort of weird sex thing. "

"So she's not a therianthrope?"

"No. She likes to wear a hippo outfit and dance around. Personally, I don't get it. "

"Why is she allowed into meetings?"

"We all kind of feel sorry for her. "

A tall man with his mouth around something covered in sprinkles called over to them.

"You two talking about us?"

Irena shot him with her thumb and index finger. "Got it in one, Andy. "

Andy strutted over, his grin smeared with chocolate. He shook Weston's hand, pumping enthusiastically.

"Andy McDerrmott, wereboar. "

"You . . . become a pig?" Weston guessed.

"Actually, when the full moon rises, I change into someone vastly self-interested, and I talk incessantly about worthless minutiae going on in my life. "

Weston wasn't sure how to answer. Andy slapped him on the shoulder, hard enough to rock him.

"A bore! Get it? Were-bore!" Andy laughed, flecking Weston with sprinkles. "Actually, kidding, I turn into a pig. "

"You mean a bigger pig, right, Andy?"

Andy shot Irena a look that was pure letch.

"God, you're so hot, Irena. When are we going to get together, have ourselves a litter of little kiggens?"

"On the first of never, Andy. And they wouldn't be kiggens. They'd be pities. "

"Snap," Phyllis said. "Shoot that pig down, girl. "

"So who's the last guy?" Weston asked. "The big one?"

The trio glanced at the heavily muscled man sitting at the end of the table, staring off into space.

"That's Ryan. "

"Just Ryan?"

Andy wiped his mouth on the sleeve of his sports jacket. "That's all he's ever told us. Never talks. Never says a word. Comes to every meeting, but just sits there, looking like the Terminator. "

"What does he change into?"

"No one knows. Has to be something, though, or Zela wouldn't have sent him here. " Andy faced Weston. "So you're the Naperville Ripper, huh? What kind of therianthrope are you? Wererat?"

Andy frowned. "I'm not sure. I think I'm a werewolf. "

This provoked laughter from the group.

"What's funny?"
