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“That’s it, good girl. Right there…”

I inhale through gritted teeth as she stops, backs up, and then slides back down my length, her lips clamped tightly around my shaft, adding to the sensation. “God you have the hottest mouth,” I murmur.

She moans again in agreement, and another rush of pleasure spreads through me. Eventually we find a rhythm, my hands buried in her red, red hair, guiding her up and down as her mouth bobs along my cock.

“Use your tongue,” I tell her, and she does, pressing it up against the underside of my cock, swirling it around the head every time I pull out of her mouth. It doesn’t take long before the pressure in me builds, right up to an edge.

But I’m not ready to end things just yet. We’re only just getting started.

So I stop her, gently, and pull out of her mouth, before I flip her over beneath me on the bed. “Not yet, Sinclair,” I whisper, leaning in to kiss her neck. “We have a long, long day ahead of us…”



I come back from a long walk along the beach—while Ankor (I can never get used to calling him Marco, and he insists it’s better if we stick to Ankor for anonymity’s sake anyway) was teaching an afternoon session of swimming classes to some of the new older resort visitors, who just moved in this week—to find a box on my bed, a bow around it, and a note tied to it.

I suppress a smile as I read the note. This looked almost as beautiful as you in the shop. I couldn’t resist. Why don’t you try it on and meet me in the lobby at 7?

Knowing Ankor, this means another one of his surprise dates. We’ve gone on more than our fair share over the past two weeks—long past the day I promised myself I’d check out of the hotel. I’d be worried about my budget, except that when I went to the front desk to try to settle my bill, the clerk told me my stay had already been paid in full and extended for another month.

I was annoyed at Ankor for a day. Until he pointed out that he was only really paying himself anyway, since this was his resort chain.

“Besides,” he’d whispered, in between kissing his way down my neck as we curled up in the enormous king bed of his suite. “Any excuse to keep you here longer, I’m going to take.”

I’d laughed. But the words had sent a thrill through my veins at the same time. Because I felt the same way about him. I kept waiting for a red flag, kept expecting the other shoe to drop. But it never did. Every day with Ankor felt better than the last. And the more time I spent with him, the more I realized I’d never be able to get enough.

It should make me nervous. And it does, sometimes, late at night when I lie in his bed or mine, wide away and listening to the steady rhythm of his breathing. I worry about how long this can possibly last. About what will happen when it all comes crashing down around me.

But more often than not, I forget. About the past, about my fears. I’m just here, in paradise, with him. And that’s all I need, for now.

Still smiling, I tug on the ribbon, open the box and peel back layers of paper to find a dress buried inside. The sight makes me gasp. I’ve never owned anything this beautiful. I can tell just from one glance that it’s from the kinds of stores I always window-shopped at with glee but could never even afford to set foot inside.

Carefully, I lift it and hold it up before the mirror. It’s silk, pillow-soft to the touch. It’s got a complicated series of straps over the shoulders, flowing down to a loose-fitted waist and a flared skirt. The whole thing is a deep emerald green, which I already know will look amazing against my red hair.

I smile. Ankor has a good eye. Good taste.

Good a lot of things, really. A little shiver traces down my spine as I remember how we spent last night. He has a balcony in his room, looking out over the sea. Late at night, after we returned from a night swim in the pool, he carried me out there. I held onto the railing as he peeled off my swimsuit, promising me that nobody else in the hotel would be out this late, it was just us out here.

Still, it felt so forbidden to be naked like that, somewhere so public, the warm night air caressing my bare skin at the same time that Ankor did. He ran his hands all over me, held me against him as he stroked his fingers down, down, between my legs and along my slit until he had to reach his other hand up to muffle my moans as he made me come. Over, and over…

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