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"You do?" He chuckles. "I have a few people like that around me. They drive me crazy. I can't tell you how often I've told them to go to hell."

"That's a luxury I can't afford." I turn back around to face him. He's moved. He's closer than he was before. "I have to be professional at all times. Your cousin taught me that."

"Noah?" he asks, nervous tension edging his voice. "I called him yesterday. I wanted to send your favorite flowers."

"They're gorgeous." I point to where I've placed the two large vases of roses on the ledge of the window. "Thank you again."

He steps even closer, there's less than a foot between us now. "I know I should have called before I showed up. It's just that I remembered you said you had some work today, so I thought I'd take a chance and see if you were here."

I hesitate for just a few seconds. I don't want to seem too eager, do I? Does it even matter at this point? He's here. He's close, so close. He wouldn't have come here if he didn't want the same thing I do.

There's this quiet, annoying voice coming from somewhere deep inside of me that's telling me that this is a horrible idea. I'm on the path I need to be right now. My business is more successful than I ever imagined it would be.

Kissing Asher Foster isn't going to change that, is it? I'll kiss him. He'll kiss me back and then we'll sleep together. He'll tell me that it's a one-time thing and then I'll go back to taking headshots of executives, or images of bracelets, or shoes or whatever else comes my way.

This isn't a big deal. It's just two people who are attracted to one another. I can't view it any other way. If I do, I'm going to get hurt and that's not something I have time or emotional space for right now.

Why the hell am I analyzing this to death? I'll kiss him. I

t's not like it's a lifelong commitment.

I'm not usually the one to grab the bull by the horns, or the rock star by the t-shirt but that's going to change now. I take a half-step closer to him, trying not to lick my lips too much.

He reciprocates by leaning forward, his hand jumping to my cheek. I melt into his touch. His hand is warm, soft and it cups my face with just the right amount of tenderness.

"I've wanted to do this since I got here," he whispers into the air between us.

I tilt my head to the left to align my lips with his. I feel my eyelids flutter shut as he leans even closer, his breath surging over my cheek.

I wait for it. My heart stalls for what feels like an impossibly long beat although it can't be more than a half-second. Every thought in my mind quiets to one single focus.


The whisper of his breath against my skin.

The pressure of his hand as it races down my back.

And the sweet taste of his mouth as he seals his lips over mine.



I was hard as soon as I walked into her studio and saw her. Her hair is straight; her face made-up although nothing she's put on it has stolen anything from what's underneath. She's beautiful. I'd say she's the most stunning woman I've ever known but those words don't reflect what I see when I look at her. They don't do her justice.

Her legs are gorgeous. She's wearing heels and shorts that are almost too short. When she bent over to adjust a light, the hem edged up and my cock swelled. The material moved but only to cup her ass more snugly. The flesh I long to see, and taste and bite, is hidden just under the fabric.

The shirt she's wearing is buttoned up enough to ward off the predatory eyes of any male clients but the black lace bra underneath holds the promise of small, but perky tits with nipples that respond each and every time the air conditioning here in her studio kicks into high gear.

They're hard again now as I kiss her. I can feel them pressed against my chest.

I lace my fingers through her hair, pulling her back from the kiss. Her mouth is wet, her lips swollen. The gloss on her lips is smudged making her look even more fuckable than she did when I first saw her.

She moans and it almost drops me right there.

"Fuck, Falon." I breathe her name out through a growl. "What the fuck was that? You kiss like…"

Her lips are on mine again before I can finish. I'm not complaining. Who the hell would?
