Page 57 of Burning Obsession

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‘Oh, but you must come, and soon. I don’t have much longer to go.’

‘I’ll see what I can do,’ Kelly promised. ‘And I’ll call you later in the week about another luncheon date. Although if you’re going to order ham and jam sandwiches I don’t think I want to go!’

Laura laughed. ‘I’ll be on my best behaviour, I promise.’

Kelly’s thoughts were all confused on the drive back home. Jordan never drank in excess, except for last night she had never seen him in the least incapacitated, and yet Laura seemed to think it was a common occurrence. And then there had been the shock of seeing him with Anne Fellows, their intimacy evident as they bent their heads close together while talking. No wonder Jordan hadn’t noticed her, he had been completely engrossed in the beauty of the other woman.

She was surprised to see his car in the driveway when she arrived home, having expected him to spend the afternoon with Anne Fellows too. Perhaps the other woman was on duty. What a pity, she thought bitchily.

Jordan came out of his study as she entered the house, his dark business suit removed and replaced by faded denims and an open-necked checked shirt. He looked very virile and attractive, although a trifle pale under his tan, deep lines grooved into the side of his nose and mouth.

Kelly looked away with an indifferent flicker of her eyes. ‘Where’s my father?’ she asked coolly, walking through to the lounge.

Jordan followed her, his steely gaze boring into her. ‘What sort of greeting is that?’

She eyed him defiantly. ‘The only sort you’re going to get from me.’

He made an impatient gesture. ‘I’m sorry about my behaviour last night,’ he ground out.

‘If only it were just last night’s behaviour!’

‘What do you mean?’ His expression was watchful.

She shrugged. ‘It isn’t important.’

He swung her round to face him. ‘I’m sick of being fobbed off with those sort of remarks. I asked you a question, I want an answer.’

‘I gave you one.’

‘You gave me nothing!’ His fingers bit into her arm. ‘You never have. Everything I’ve ever wanted from you I’ve had to take. And I’m going to take now if you don’t answer me,’ he told her grimly.

‘You wouldn’t dare!’ She glared at him.

‘Are you challenging me, Kelly?’ he asked softly, suddenly still.


‘Right!’ He matched her out of the room and up the stairs by his hand on her nape. ‘Strip,’ he ordered once they were in the bedroom.

‘I will not!’ she told him indignantly.

Jordan’s hand came out to grasp the neckline of her dress, pulling downwards with a sharp tug, and the buttons flew everywhere as the dress gaped open all the way down the front. ‘Will you take off the rest or shall I?’

‘Neither.’ She grabbed her housecoat. ‘You can’t treat me like this!’

‘I can’t?’ He took a threatening step towards her.

‘No,’ she trembled. ‘My father—’

‘Is sedated in his room,’ he finished mockingly. ‘Apparently he had a disturbed night.’

‘And we both know why, don’t we!’ she said disgustedly.

He shrugged. ‘You should have left me where I was, no one asked you to interfere.’

‘I suppose you would rather have the staff find you that way,’ she scorned.

‘It wouldn’t be the first time,’ he drawled.

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