Page 53 of Burning Obsession

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Laura was even more glowing than before, although obviously becoming more and more ungainly as each day passed. ‘I really am grateful that you called,’ she smiled as she gingerly sat down. ‘Ian’s been so busy lately, and I’ve been so tense. I can’t seem to settle to anything. I’ve been knitting a pair of bootees the last three weeks, I don’t think I’ll ever finish them.’

Kelly laughed. ‘You will. Anyway, I’m sure you have plenty already.’

‘Not really—just a couple of dozen pairs!’ Laura grimaced. ‘All Ian’s twenty aunts seem to have made us a pair,’ she confided.

‘Twenty aunts?’

‘Well—four, actually. It just seems like twenty at times. They brought him up, you see, between the four of them. When Ian’s parents died they all took over his care. Oh, they’re darlings really, just very possessive. Still, at least we’ll have four volunteers for baby-sitting.’ Laura sighed. ‘If I talk too much, Kelly, just tell me. Ian says I talk much too much.’

‘I like to hear it,’ Kelly smiled, finding her liking for this girl increasing by the minute.

‘Oh, good,’ Laura grinned. ‘Because I do it all the time. I’m a compulsive talker, mainly about Ian, although lately it’s been about the bab

y. Men get so bored with baby talk, though.’

‘Yes,’ Kelly acknowledged with a certain amount of bitterness.

‘Ian told me about your baby,’ Laura said gently, compassion in her eyes. ‘It was such a pity.’

‘It was a long time ago.’ Kelly forced a smile to her lips.

‘And at least you and Jordan are back together again now.’

‘That was all thanks to your husband.’

‘Ian?’ Laura frowned. ‘What did he do?’

‘He told Jordan that I needed him.’ Kelly went on to explain about the accident.

‘And that brought you and Jordan back together.’ Laura’s eyes glowed with excitement. ‘How romantic!’

‘Yes,’ Kelly agreed dully.

‘I think all marriages have their ups and downs.’

‘I suppose so, although Jordan and I—’ she broke off, her stricken gaze fixed on the man and woman who had just entered the restaurant and were even now being conducted to their table.

Laura instantly noticed her paleness. ‘What is it?’ She sat forward. ‘Kelly, what’s wrong?’

‘I—It—I can’t—’ Kelly broke off again, feeling sick with reaction.

Laura followed her gaze, watching too as Jordan pulled out a chair for Anne Fellows to sit down.


SO she had been right, Anne Fellows was the latest woman in Jordan’s life! And it looked as if Kelly’s father had been out of luck with his lift. Jordan had obviously invited the nurse out to lunch instead.

Laura was giving Kelly a searching look. ‘Kelly?’ she frowned her puzzlement.

‘I—er—Would you mind if we went somewhere else?’ She picked up her handbag in preparation of leaving.

‘Of course not, if you would rather,’ Laura instantly agreed.

‘I would,’ Kelly said tautly, rising to her feet.

She deliberately left the restaurant through a different door from the one Jordan had entered by, watching him to make sure he didn’t see her. He didn’t, totally engrossed in the conversation of his companion. Kelly had never felt so defeated, so totally lost to Jordan. This time it was even worse than before. Her rather immature eighteen-year-old love had developed into the all-consuming love of a woman—and Jordan was doing his best to destroy that too.


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