Page 44 of Burning Obsession

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‘You’ve been drinking!’ He drew back, his eyes narrowed.

‘Yes!’ Her eyes flashed her defiance before she put her hand in the crook of his arm, turning with a bright smile to face her father and their visitor. Only it wasn’t Angela Divine! This was someone new, although if anything she was even more beautiful th

an Jordan’s ex-secretary. ‘Aren’t you going to introduce me, darling?’ she asked her husband throatily.

‘You don’t need introducing to Anne, Kelly,’ her father said with amusement.

‘I don’t?’ she frowned her puzzlement.

‘Anne Fellows, darling,’ Jordan drawled mockingly.

Anne Fellows! Kelly hadn’t even recognised the nursing Sister out of uniform. She was just too beautiful. In her uniform she had been starchily attractive, dressed as she was now in the pretty pink flower-print skirt and skimpy pink top she looked too humanly lovely, completely feminine, her blonde hair long and straight and reaching almost to her narrow waist. She must be in her early or mid-thirties, and Kelly’s jealousy increased as she realised the other woman was nearer Jordan’s own age.

‘I’m sorry I didn’t recognise you, Miss Fellows.’ She forced a smile to her lips, leaving Jordan’s side to go and sit beside the other woman. ‘And after all you’ve done to help my father,’ she added guiltily, her smile more genuine and relaxed now.

‘That’s perfectly all right,’ the other woman smiled warmly. ‘The uniform fools a lot of people.’

‘It certainly fooled me,’ Kelly’s father chuckled. ‘I could hardly believe my eyes today.’

Anne gave a husky laugh. ‘You’re very kind.’

‘My father-in-law is understating the case if anything,’ Jordan put in.

Anne’s smile widened. ‘You’re even kinder.’

‘Jordan isn’t kind,’ Kelly’s voice was brittle. ‘He merely knows a very beautiful woman when he sees one.’ She turned to meet the anger in his eyes.

His mouth was tight, his expression glacial. ‘I ought to, I’m married to one.’

‘Why, thank you, darling.’ She gave him a smile of exaggerated sweetness, turning to the other woman. ‘Aren’t the men being absolutely charming, Miss Fellows?’

‘They certainly are. And please call me Anne. Now that your father is no longer in my care all formality can be dropped.’

Kelly wondered how far all meant as far as Jordan was concerned. Oh, she had to stop this, she was becoming paranoic about him. It didn’t necessarily follow that every beautiful blonde he met was destined for his bed. And yet she remembered Anne Fellows’ interest in him from the start, and he made no effort to hide his admiration for her now.

The other woman stood up, her legs smooth and shapely, slightly tanned, and completely bare. ‘I have to be on my way now, I’m on duty soon,’ she said regretfully.

Kelly’s father stood up too. ‘It’s very kind of you to offer me a lift. I’ll just get my jacket.’

‘But—’ Kelly frowned her puzzlement. ‘Where are you going?’

‘To the hospital,’ her father replied cheerfully. ‘Dr Jones has decided to do some more tests on me.’

‘But this morning—’

‘I rang him, Kelly,’ her father said gently. ‘As I started to wake up this afternoon I have a vague recollection of remembering something. The doctor wants to see how far it goes.’

Still she frowned. ‘And he sent Miss Fellows—Anne, in her spare time, to collect you?’

‘No,’ the nurse laughed. ‘I was driving over this way, so I offered.’

Once again suspicion flared within Kelly. This woman’s explanation didn’t ring true. Why would an important part of a medical team drive out here to pick up a patient, even if she was in the area? There had to be a motive behind her actions, and that motive was Jordan!

‘That was—very kind of you,’ she said jerkily.

‘Oh, Anne is known for her kindness,’ Jordan said deeply, rather pointedly Kelly thought.

‘I’ll get my jacket,’ Kelly’s father repeated. ‘I won’t be a moment.’

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