Page 43 of Burning Obsession

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‘Mm, I’m quite proud of them myself. I have a boutique interested in them.’

‘That’s great,’ Kelly enthused, glad that Maggie wasn’t going to ask her if she wanted any of them. She had the feeling Jordan’s reaction would be the same as in the past.

‘A select boutique,’ Maggie added hastily. ‘Each dress will be exclusively made.’

‘Lovely.’ Kelly listened halfheartedly as Maggie went into details, wondering if Jordan had returned home yet, and if he had if he had discovered the newspaper’s source.

‘Of course, if I do sign this contract with them,’ Maggie continued, ‘it will mean I can’t go back to the States for several years.’

‘But your father’s offered to open your own boutique!’

‘Exactly!’ her friend sighed.

‘I take it you didn’t poison your boy-friend the other night,’ Kelly remarked dryly, guessing Maggie’s indecision about returning to America.

‘You mean is he still around? Oh yes, even more so. He wants to move in.’

Kelly raised her eyebrows. ‘Do you want him to?’

‘You bet,’ Maggie grinned. ‘But I’m not going to appear too eager. He’s too used to having things his own way. I’ll give in—eventually.’

‘Are you going to marry him?’ Kelly asked eagerly.

‘Your naïveté again, Kelly,’ her friend shook her head mockingly. ‘Of course I’m not going to marry him. Besides, he’s already married.’

‘I see,’ Kelly said faintly. ‘And doesn’t his wife mind?’

Maggie shrugged. ‘I have no idea.’

‘Don’t you care?’ Kelly was amazed at her friend’s attitude. Maggie had always been outspoken, go-ahead, but even so this latest development shocked Kelly somewhat. Maggie had had some strange boy-friends in her time, some of them quite weird, but as far as she knew none of them had ever been married.

‘She should have held on to him while she could,’ Maggie dismissed callously.

Kelly bit her lip. ‘Maybe. But that isn’t always possible.’

Contrition washed over Maggie’s often hard features. ‘Oh, I’m sorry, Kelly. I didn’t think.’

Kelly gave a falsely bright smile. ‘That’s all right, it isn’t important.’ She stood up. I’m pleased about your designs, and if you want to stay in England then that boutique contract sounds like the best idea.’

‘But you don’t approve of the other bit,’ Maggie grimaced.

‘It’s your life,’ Kelly dismissed lightly. ‘After the mess I’ve made of mine I wouldn’t presume to preach to you. Maybe your way round is better.’ She gave a wan smile. ‘I would certainly have seen more of Jordan if I’d been his mistress instead of his wife.’

Her friend shook her head. ‘You’re becoming cynical.’

‘Realistic,’ Kelly corrected. ‘We’ll meet for lunch next week, shall we?’

‘Lovely,’ Maggie smiled. ‘And I’ll let you know whether I’ve chosen a life of sin or if I’m going home to Mummy and Daddy. But I don’t think it will be the latter.’

Kelly shouldn’t really be shocked about Maggie’s boy-friend being married, after all, that sort of thing had been common enough five years ago, now it was accepted as the done thing. The fact that she didn’t subscribe to the belief herself was beside the point.

There was an unfamiliar car parked outside the house when she got home, plus Jordan’s Mercedes, although it was the other car that held her attention. Who could their visitor be?

The sound of female laughter could be heard among the male amusement as Kelly entered the house. The sound was coming from the lounge, so she made her way there.

All laughter stopped as she entered the room. Her father was sitting in one of the armchairs Jordan in the other, and their visitor on the sofa. Kelly could only see the top of a blonde female head, and her breath caught in her throat. Surely Jordan hadn’t—? Not Angela Divine!

‘Ah, Kelly,’ Jordan stood up, coming over to the door where she still stood. ‘Darling,’ he smiled, but his eyes remained hard. He bent to kiss her briefly on the lips. ‘Where the hell have you been this time?’ he muttered.

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