Page 31 of Burning Obsession

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‘Try and stop me.’ Jordan’s stance became challenging, his feet set slightly apart, his arms folded across the broadness of his chest.


‘I INTEND to.’ Her eyes sparkled angrily. ‘I may have to share this house with you, but I have no intention of sharing the bedroom too. Use the room you used to sleep in, that shouldn’t be any hardship to you.’

‘Your father is in that room.’

‘Then use one of the others,’ Kelly said shrilly, clinging to the towel as if her life depended on it. ‘Goodness knows there are enough of them.’

‘I’m staying right here. Your father will expect it.’

‘My father?’ Kelly looked startled. ‘But he won’t know where you sleep!’

‘And if he should need anything in the night? If he should wake up early in the morning and come knocking on our door?’

‘He won’t.’ But she sounded less certain, Jordan noting her hesitation by the triumphant gleam in his eyes. ‘If you won’t sleep somewhere else, Jordan, then I will!’ She marched over to the door.

‘I think not, Kelly,’ his hand came out and gripped her upper arm. ‘I think we should settle this thing here and now.’

She looked up at him with apprehensive eyes, aware of her vulnerability clothed only in a bathtowel. ‘Settle what here and now?’ she asked breathlessly, fascinated by the pulse beating in his throat.

Jordan’s breathing was shallow, a taut control to the sensuousness of his lips. ‘I think you know what,’ he told her softly, his eyes intent on her face.

Her head went back, her gaze meeting his unflinchingly. ‘I have no idea what you’re talking about.’

‘No?’ Jordan taunted. ‘Oh, I think you have.’

‘I haven’t!’ She tried to remove his fingers from her arm, but all that did was entice him to increase the pressure. ‘You’re hurting me!’ she choked, hating having to show him any sign of weakness.

‘Yes,’ he acknowledged huskily. ‘I can’t seem to do anything else. But I’d like to! Do you remember how it was with us, Kelly? Do you remember—’

‘I remember nothing!’ she cut in, instantly stopping the caressing movement of his thumb on her arm. ‘I haven’t thought about you in years, so why should I be able to remember what it was like being married to you?’ The defiance in her voice was echoed in her flashing eyes.

Jordan’s mouth was a thin angry line, the pulse in his throat beating even faster. ‘Then maybe I should refresh your memory for you,’ he said tautly.

‘No!’ Kelly’s head jerked sideways as he began to lower his mouth towards hers.

‘Yes, Kelly!’ His hands came up to hold her head immobile and his lips claimed hers. He moved his mouth slowly against her, the tension in his body building by the second. ‘Oh yes, Kelly,’ he groaned agonisingly, pulling her against the hard length of his body before his mouth again claimed hers. ‘Think of me now, Kelly, think of me now and want me,’ he encouraged huskily.

She couldn’t believe this was happening to her, couldn’t believe this dizzy sensation, the way she swayed towards Jordan of her own volition, entwining her arms about his neck, her mouth raised invitingly.

‘You do want me!’ he cried in disbelief.

‘No. I—’

‘Yes, you do!’ he shouted his triumph, swinging her up in his arms, the bathtowel slipping precariously.

As he laid her on the bed Kelly didn’t resist the complete removal of the towel, lying before him like a golden Aphrodite, her breasts pert and inviting, her stomach smooth and flat, her thighs silky soft. Jordan’s eyes darkened to black as he hurriedly removed his own clothes, his gaze never leaving her, his desire a tangible thing.

‘My God, you’re beautiful,’ he groaned as he joined her on the bed, kissing her, starting with her throat and slowly going downwards.

Jordan was beautiful too; she had forgotten just how beautiful. His shoulders were wide and powerful, his chest liberally sprinkled with silky hair, his stomach taut and firm, his thighs strong and sure. Kelly’s hands smoothed over his muscular shoulders, loving the feel of his firm flesh beneath her fingertips.

She gasped as his lips claimed the tautness of one nipple, his tongue moving caressingly over the fiery tip. The darkness of his head against her creamy skin was a familiar scene, enticingly so.

Desire ran through her veins like liquid fire, her legs entwining with the muscular roughness of his, a heady excitement making her feel dizzy. For too long she had been denied Jordan’s possession, the mindless pleasure he always gave her when they made love, and she moved against him restlessly, impatient for his full lovemaking.

‘Kelly?’ he raised his head questioningly. ‘You know I have to take you, don’t you?’

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