Page 26 of Burning Obsession

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Kelly looked shamefaced. She had always received nothing but kindness from Maggie. Okay, so she made her dislike of Jordan known, but he was no less insulting about her. ‘I’m sorry, Maggie,’ she said ruefully. ‘As you can imagine, it’s all a bit tense at home at the moment.’

‘I can imagine,’ Maggie instantly agreed. ‘And Jordan’s perfectly happy to live in such—sterility?’

Kelly blushed at Maggie’s plain speaking. ‘I would doubt he’s doing that.’

‘When did he ever?’ her friend nodded. ‘But he doesn’t mind this arrangement?’

‘He was the one who insisted on it.’

‘Oh dear!’

Kelly’s look was sharp. ‘Why did you say “oh dear” like that? We didn’t really have any choice.’

‘Jordan is never pushed into doing anything he doesn’t want to. Has he tried to get you into bed with him yet?’

‘Maggie! Isn’t that a little too personal?’ Her face was fiery red.

‘Maybe. But has he?’

‘No,’ Kelly snapped.

Maggie raised one finely plucked eyebrow. ‘You sound a bit peeved.’

‘Don’t be silly,’ Kelly said sharply. ‘I just don’t like your line of questioning.’

Her friend shrugged goodnaturedly. ‘I only asked because I remember you hardly ever used to be out of bed.’

Maggie was a dear, and Kelly loved her very much, but she didn’t care for this conversation at all.


‘Okay, okay,’ Maggie helped herself to a cream cake now. ‘I do love this English habit of afternoon tea.’ She grinned. ‘It gives me an excuse to make a pig of myself in between meals too. I like elevenses as well.’

‘You’ll get fat!’

‘Not me,’ Maggie laughed. ‘At school they used to call me. Olive Oyl, remember, but I’m glad now that I’m so skinny. Every woman who sees me in one of my own creations thinks that she’s going to look the same, even if she’s the size of an elephant. No, really, Kelly,’ she insisted as Kelly began to laugh. ‘Now I’m not boasting, but I look marvellous in my own clothes, and—Stop it, Kelly! Now stop laughing,’ she chided reproachfully. ‘I’m being serious.’

‘I know,’ Kelly chuckled. ‘Without boasting,’ she teased.

‘Well…’ Maggie grinned back at her. ‘Maybe I was a bit.’

‘You were,’ Kelly nodded, her eyes twinkling merrily.

‘And so I ought. You never get anywhere in this world without grabbing what you want. I had to learn that the hard way. When I came back to England and Dad cut off my allowance I decided I was going to survive without his help. It hasn’t always been easy, but at least now I’m keeping my head above water. Dad even started to mellow some while I was home this time. He was talking of opening a boutique for me.’

‘Oh, I am glad!’ Kelly knew how Maggie’s father’s attitude had hurt her over the years.

‘In the States,’ she added with a grimace.

‘Oh. Don’t you want that?’

‘I like England, especially at the moment. I have a lovely new guy.’ She shrugged. ‘Right now I don’t want to leave him. In a couple of months I could feel differently, but right now, no. And speaking of him,’ she gave a hurried look at her wrist-watch, ‘I have to go now, I’m cooking him dinner.’

‘You are?’ Kelly had never known Maggie boil a kettle unless she really had to.

‘Crazy, isn’t it?’ Maggie pulled a face. ‘He’s the first guy I ever did that for.’

‘Must be serious,’ Kelly smiled.

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