Page 17 of Burning Obsession

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‘I think we should leave your father now, Kelly.’ Jordan pulled her up beside him. Let him get some rest.’

‘Haven’t I been sleeping for five days?’ her father grinned.

‘Not a restful sleep.’ Sister Fellows appeared in the doorway. ‘You’re still very weak, Mr Darrow, I think it would be as well if your daughter and her husband came back tomorrow.’

‘If you say so, Sister.’ He turned to wink at Jordan. ‘At least I have a beautiful nurse.’

Jordan watched the young woman as she swayed gracefully across the room to begin straightening the bedclothes. ‘You do indeed,’ he agreed admiringly.

‘Come along, darling,’ Kelly said with exaggerated sweetness. ‘I’m sure we can leave Daddy in Sister Fellows’ capable hands.’

Her father hooted with laughter, wincing as it hurt his head. ‘You should have been born with green eyes,’ he grinned.

Jordan held her firmly against his side, bending his head to kiss her lightly on the lips, his grip tightening as she struggled. ‘Kelly knows she has no need to worry about me straying, I’m the typical faithful husband,’ he assured her father.

‘I should damn well think so,’ the other man growled. ‘You’ve only been married a few weeks.’

‘Lie still, Mr Darrow,’ Sister Fellows told him firmly. ‘Or you’ll give yourself a colossal headache.’

He grimaced. ‘I think I already have.’

Kelly bent to kiss him on the cheek. ‘We’ll see you in the morning, Daddy.’

‘Not too early,’ his blue eyes twinkled teasingly. ‘I understand from Dr Jones that you’ve been taking it in turns to sit with me. Spend some time together tomorrow.’

‘This is terrible,’ Kelly groaned once they were outside in the car. ‘I’m not sure if I can keep this up.’

‘You’re doing fine.’ Most of Jordan’s attention was on his driving. ‘That little show of jealousy convinced him more than anything else. A brilliant piece of acting.’

Except that she hadn’t been acting! It was starting all over again, all the bitterness and anger, the burning jealousy that seemed to eat her up. So where did that leave her feelings concerning Jordan? She preferred not to think about it.

‘I thought so,’ she agreed lightly. ‘Although you didn’t do too badly yourself.’

‘Thanks,’ he drawled mockingly. ‘I’m a little out of practice, but no doubt I’ll soon pick up the habit of the doting husband again.’

‘Doting!’ Kelly scorned. ‘You treated me like an expensive toy.’

‘I told you I don’t want to discuss the past.’ His eyes were a light, icy grey, his jaw rigid. ‘From here on in we think of it as the future. As far as your father is concerned that’s exactly what it is.’

Her expression became uncertain, her bottom lip trembling slightly. ‘You do think he’ll get better, don’t you?’

‘You heard the doctor, the amnesia is only temporary.’

‘And when he gets his memory back, how do we explain our living together?’

‘We don’t,’ Jordan said arrogantly. ‘I have no need to explain living with my wife to anyone.’

‘No one?’ she asked disbelievingly.

‘No one at all,’ he said firmly. ‘Can the same be said of you?’

‘A boy-friend, you mean?’ Kelly flushed.

‘That’s right,’ he nodded.

‘No,’ she told him jerkily, ‘I have no boy-friend.’

She had never had one. She had believed it was because after Jordan she didn’t trust men, but now she wasn’t so sure. Maybe the real reason was that she couldn’t get Jordan completely out of her system, had felt a loyalty to her marriage even if he hadn’t.

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