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If this wasn’t so important, he’d be flattered by her one-track mind. He’d never had someone so eager to jump his bones like his slayer.

Was it the bond? He didn’t know.

And, until he could be sure, he had to be the rational one.

Still, despite being a Nightwalker, he really was only human.

So when Tabby pulled him into the bedroom, then shucked off her shirt with an, “Oops, changed my mind,” Adam decided that it wouldn’t be right to keep on refusing her. She’d had a rough twenty-four hours, and when she hoarsely murmured that only he could help her with her ache, he couldn’t resist her.

Tomorrow, he promised as he fell into bed with his slayer. Tomorrow he would confess the truth about the bond for sure.

Tomorrow came sooner than he thought.

Though she tried to tell him that she was feeling one hundred percent better, Tabby made it through one orgasm before she cuddled up next to him, falling asleep. Adam got up quickly to remove the condom and splash his face with some water, frustrated that he’d been so weak as to let her seduce him as easily as that. He barely put up a fight and, on the other side of coming, he felt like such an ass.

At least he’d insisted on the condom. Turned out, that was a good idea.

It had shocked the hell out of him that, at the height of her orgasm, Tabby insisted on him taking a sip from her neck. He hadn’t been able to deny her that, either, even though he never thought she’d let him after the way the Nightwalker attacked her.

Not just an ass, then. A fucking ass.

Pulling his jeans on again, he slid back into bed, his heart going tight when she murmured his name before rolling right next to him.

Swearing that he’d be honest with her as soon as they woke up, he soaked up Tabby’s warmth and joined her in sleep.

He just thought that, when he woke up again, it would be closer to dusk.

Though her windows were still shielded, he could tell the difference between the dark of night and the bright light beating against the shades and the curtain. His innate sense of time—another Nightwalker quirk—told him that it was mid-afternoon when Tabby woke him up with a nuzzle on his cheek.

Her voice was husky and enticing as she murmured the last thing he thought she would say: “Okay, champ What did you want to talk about?”


It almost squeaked out of him. Adam cleared his throat, blinking when the faint light was still too bright for him. Not enough for the sunlight to burn him, but his eyes were already squinting against it. Slapping at the nightstand table on his side of the bed, he found his sunglasses, slipping them back on.

“Well, I was wondering if you’d be up for

a little early nookie, but I feel bad about putting you off last night. So, we can talk or…” She reached down, her hand traveling to his crotch. Her eyebrows rose when she realized he’d gotten redressed at some point during the early morning hours, and she said, “or I can work on getting you to take these off again.”

“No, no. You’re right.” Since the temptation to just lay there while Tabby tugged on his zipper was just too great, Adam slid his ass across the sheet, scrabbling out of the bed. “We… we’ve gotta talk.”

“I’m listening.”

He exhaled. The rush of air turned to a pained groan when Tabby sat up, the comforter pooling around her middle.

With an impish grin, she lifted it up, covering her bare tits. “Sorry.”

She so wasn’t sorry.

But he might be.

Moving away from the bed, pacing along the edge of its foot, he glanced back at Tabby and nodded. “Okay.” He took in a deep breath, pushing it out through his nose. “Did I ever tell you that I bought a ring for Eva?” When Tabby’s expression went blank, he had to remember that—apart from her mother, Naomi—no one else referred to her with that name. “I mean, Evangeline.”

“The Alpha’s mate?” At his nod, she asked, “Wait. You mean, like, an engagement ring?”

“Yeah. I never gave it to her, obviously. I didn’t even realize that she was married to Wolfe at the time.” True. He knew they were mated, but it didn’t come out that Wolfe and Eva had eloped until her memories returned years later. If he’d known she was married… well, he might’ve done things a little differently. “That doesn’t change the fact that I bought one, though.”

“Okay. Um. Is there a reason that you’re telling me this? Because, just throwing it out there,” Tabby said, a teasing note to her voice, “but hearing you bring up your ex isn’t doing too much for my libido.”
