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“But now we’re here, and he’s not coming to see us,” Avery insisted. “What if he doesn’t want us anymore?”

My heart just cracked. “Avery, of course he does.”

“But that mister said that Ryker has more important things to do than us.”

“He only meant the meeting.”

“How do you know?” Avery asked, tearing up again. “How do you know?”

I had to change topics, take my girl’s mind off it.

“I just know, honey. Please trust me. Listen, why don’t we go home? We need to take your bag and leave for the airport anyway. Then you’ll be with Gran and Pops and all your animals.”

Her sobs subsided a little, but she held out her hands. Oh, no! Lately, she only wanted in my arms when she was inconsolable. I carried her all the way out of the building. On the cab ride to the apartment, I tried to talk more about her animals and her best friend there, Jillian, but she only gave me monosyllabic answers.

Once we were at home, we ate some leftover pasta, and then I did the last checks on her luggage. She was usually so bubbly and happy before leaving for Phoenix. But now, she was just sitting on her bed, dangling her feet. I sat next to her, caressing her cheek.

“Honey, what’s wrong? You don’t want to go?”

“I have to go. Tony misses me. And Gran and Pops too.”

“That’s right, they do.”

“Can you come with me?”

“To Phoenix?”

“Yes. Pleaaaase.”

Oh, God. I couldn’t just buy a last-minute ticket to Phoenix. But I also couldn’t just let my girl leave like this. She needed reassurance, and all the love I could give her. I just had to pack in a hurry and buy a ticket. It was only the weekend after all, and I could edit my articles out of my parents’ place too. Jesus, I already didn’t know my ass from my elbow. I checked the price of a last-minute ticket, because this was honestly the deciding factor. I blew out a breath of relief when I found one that fit in my budget.

Two hours later, when we met Mom at the gate, I was a mess, and so was Avery. I’d thought I managed to soothe her but quickly realized I hadn’t because my girl had wanted to stay in my arms most of the time. We barely made it on time to the airport. I’d texted Mom on the way to let her know I was traveling with them as well. Thankfully, she hadn’t asked why. She gave me the usual Mom-check, and her eyebrows went high up her forehead. She opened her mouth, but I shook my head lightly, pointing toward Avery. Mom pursed her lips but focused on Avery.

“Sweetie, Tony misses you. He can’t wait to see you.”

Avery sighed. “I miss Tony too.”

“I need to make a phone call before we board the plane. I’ll be right back.”

I walked a few steps away, because I didn’t want Avery to know I was calling Ryker. I hadn’t had time until now. I couldn’t wait to hear his voice. Only... he didn’t pick up. He was still in that meeting? I panicked when the ding for the voicemail came. Crap. What was I supposed to say?

“Ryker, hi! It’s me. I mean, you know that, of course.... Listen, I don’t know if Owen told you that he talked to me when we were in your office. Anyway, he was out of line, said things that upset Avery. She thinks—” Another deep breath. “—that you don’t want us anymore. And I just don’t know how to calm her down.” My voice wobbled. “Anyway, she asked me to come to Mom’s too, in Phoenix, and I couldn’t say no. I’m at the airport now. I’m staying this weekend—”

A ping informed me I’d used up all the seconds in the voicemail. I dialed his number again, then disconnected the call, because I had no clue what to say.

We still had a few minutes before boarding. Maybe he’d see the call and... call back? I’d really been hoping to hear his voice. When the flight attendant announced that passengers with kids were invited to board, I sighed, slipping the phone back in my purse.

Mom was magic—she really was. Within a few minutes, she managed what I hadn’t in hours: she shifted Avery’s focus completely. By the time we were sitting inside the plane, Avery was telling us both everything she wanted to feed Tony... right before she fell asleep.

Mom waited exactly five seconds before pouncing on me.

“Want to tell me what’s going on? I’m happy of course, but why are you coming with us?”

“Avery asked me to.” Mom listened closely while I half whispered everything, afraid to wake up Avery.

“She’s a little emotional,” I finished.

“And how are you?”

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