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He laughed, looking at me incredulously. “No. It’s a surprise. Turn around. Go down to Avery. I’ll come get you later.”

He placed his hands on my shoulders, actually turning me around, then walking me in the general direction of the escalator. I was so giddy with anticipation. Couldn’t I just watch him buy it? Come to think about it, that would probably take away half the fun. But what if he bought me something outrageous? Or just something that didn’t fit me at all?

“I can’t believe you’re bossing me into accepting a gift,” I teased.

“This isn’t bossing, Heather. This is me being on my very best behavior. Wait until we’re home and I have you naked in my bed.”

“Ryker! You can’t say those things when we’re out in the open.”

“Yes, I can. You’re mine, Heather.”

I licked my lips. My body was already humming with anticipation... and not about my gift.

Ryker only let me go when I stepped on the escalator. I looked at him over my shoulder, intending to tease him, but the sheer intensity he was emanating was magnified by a factor of ten when I made eye contact.

I waited at the edge of the playground, glancing toward the escalator every few minutes. Avery was too busy playing to pay any attention to me. Ryker finally joined us half an hour later.

“Ready,” he announced.

“So, where’s my gift?”

“Hidden in one of the shopping bags waiting for us at the entrance. I’ll give it to you at home, when we’re alone.”

I groaned. “I knew it. You bought me something totally inappropriate.”

“You want something inappropriate? I’ll make another trip upstairs. I’ll be real quick.”

“That’s not what I mean.”

“Isn’t it?” His eyes raked over me playfully. I averted my gaze, because who knew what I’d say if I kept eye contact for too long.

Avery barreled toward us right away.

“Let’s go, young lady,” Ryker said.

We walked out of the store with what felt like a million bags. The Uber we ordered gave us the side eye when he picked us up, but I couldn’t care less. Ryker was happy, my little girl was happy, and so was I.

Avery was wedged between the two of us on the ride home. The excitement of the past few hours had been too much for her. She fell asleep in a few short minutes. My heart flipped when I noticed she was holding my jacket with one hand, Ryker’s with the other. A small knot formed in my throat. When I felt Ryker’s fingers nudge my shoulder, I realized he’d been watching me. He gave me a smile that made the knot instantly loosen.

Avery woke up the second we arrived. She always did that, almost like she had an internal clock.

As soon as Avery entered the apartment, she announced, “I want all the toys in my room. Ryker, can you help me?”

She darted toward her room before Ryker even answered.

“I think I’m her favorite person,” he said as we stepped in the enormous living room. We placed the bags next to the couch to give our hands a short break.

I grinned. “I wonder why.”

A strand of his dark blond hair fell over his forehead. I pushed it back, craving to touch more of him. But I had a plan, and I needed to be alone to put it in motion. I was hoping he wouldn’t take all the bags to Avery’s room right away.

“Off you go,” I encouraged. “Wouldn’t want you to lose the favorite status.”

Ryker tilted his head to one side, studying me. “You’re going to rummage through the bags for your gift, aren’t you?”

Oh my God. That was so spot-on that it was scary.

“Yes,” I admitted, because there was no point denying it.

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