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“Ryker, this would be the moment for you to step in and save my ass,” Cole said loudly. “Hunter, you can help too.”

Hunter held up his hands, shrugging. “Can’t contradict my wife this early in the morning. It’s bad luck.”

“And I’m enjoying this too much. So, is there any work to be done, or are we just catching up? I’m okay either way, just want to know.” I’d been so hungry that I’d already finished my food.

Skye sighed. “No, we actually do have shelves to put up. Tess and I were going to do it ourselves, but I feel like my arms are going to fall off from carrying boxes around and folding merchandise.”

Josie looked between my sisters for a beat before announcing, “Spa day tomorrow. My treat. I’m not taking no for an answer.”

Skye blinked at her. “You’re not taking no for an answer? I see our cousin’s bossy ways are rubbing off on you.”

Hunter looked very pleased with himself.

Josie grinned brilliantly. “I’m a fast learner.”

“You know what? I’m actually all for it. Can we go tomorrow evening?” Skye asked.

Tess pouted. “Skye, we have inventory to do.”

Skye waved her hand. “We’ll do that... whenever.”

“Tomorrow works,” Josie exclaimed.

Well, fuck. If Skye willingly tore herself away from the shop, it meant she was exhausted.

“Okay, let’s get to work now,” Tess said.

“By the way, Ryker, how did Heather’s dinner turn out?” Skye asked.

“Did you tell her to cook the roast for ninety minutes?”

Skye widened her eyes. “Oh my God. I did? I meant sixty. Crap. She didn’t realize that was too long?”

“No. I thought you did it on purpose, as a joke or something.”

“Ryker. I’m not that cruel.”

“Noted. Anyway, Avery was at her grandmother’s house for spring break, and Heather and I practically spent the whole time together.”

Skye widened her eyes. Tess’s jaw hung open. Even Cole, Hunter, and Josie looked perplexed.

“Holy shit, this is amazing,” Skye exclaimed. I would have taken it as a compliment, but her voice was so incredulous that it sounded almost like an insult.

“You know, one great thing about Hunter and Ryker leaving the bachelor pack is that I finally don’t have to compete with you guys anymore on our evenings out,” Cole said before adding, “Not that I wasn’t always winning by a decent margin.”

Everyone burst out laughing. As if on cue, a group of women stopped in front of the shop, looking at the merchandise... and then right at my brother. One of them even winked at him. As if only then noticing the rest of us, they hurried away. I was laughing so hard, I was afraid I’d crack a rib.

“Aaaand I rest my case,” Cole said, and I couldn’t contradict him for once.

We started on the shelves right after that. I could feel my sisters’ gazes boring into the back of my head. I was sure that one of them would volunteer advice before the morning was over. My money was on Tess.

It turned out, both of them thought I needed advice. They flanked me while I was setting up some extra shelves in the back.

“Sooo... what’s your next move?” Tess asked.

“I don’t know. I’ll play it by ear,” I said.

“Sounds good. If you need advice, you can always call us.” Skye was smiling brightly. There was something different about her this morning.

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