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On the way to the airport, I was full of so many emotions that I felt as if my chest was about to explode. I couldn’t put everything into words, but Ryker seemed to feel that I needed his touch, because he pulled me in a half hug, keeping me against his chest the whole cab ride to JFK.

I just loved being squeezed against his hard, toned chest. I moved my hand all over it, right until Ryker caught my wrist, stopping me.

I grinned against his arm. When I looked up, I was startled by the heat in his gaze. Holy hell, this man had three intensity levels: hot, hotter, and inferno. Right now, he was on the latter, and I had to find a way to bring him down. In other words, I had to behave. Easier said than done. I just wanted to feel part of him. As if I was here to stay and he couldn’t shake me away even if he wanted to.

We arrived at the airport too soon for my liking. Ryker got out first, keeping the door open for me. He took my hand, helping me out, but then kept our fingers interlaced as we headed inside.

JFK was extremely crowded on Sunday evening. New Yorkers were returning from their weekend trips. Tourists were leaving. It was absolute madness. Ryker didn’t ease his grip on me. I was so nervous!

My fears stemmed from a couple of things. This was the first time my mom was going to meet him. And Avery would know, just with him accompanying me, that something had changed. I hoped I was doing the right thing. I didn’t want my daughter to feel as though something or someone had come between us.

This felt so perfect though, as if I was supposed to be exactly here... trusting him with my heart and my happiness... as well as Avery’s. I couldn’t be that wrong, could I?

Ryker must have felt my tension, because he looked at me over his shoulder, bringing our hands up, kissing the back of mine.

“Babe, I’m right here with you, okay?”

I smiled at him, even though I was still a little afraid of this huge step we were taking.

“I’m not afraid.”

He cocked a brow.

“Okay, I am. A little.”

“I can’t tell you not to be. Just know that we’re in this together.”

My cautious smile morphed into an explosive grin all on its own. Despite our best efforts, we arrived a little late. Mom and Avery were waiting by arrivals.

Avery squealed so loud when she saw Ryker that several people turned to look at us. My girl made a beeline for us—correction—for Ryker.

She hugged him hard, squealing some more before hugging me too. The little traitor. She was already hugging him first? My mother was looking between the three of us with a curious expression, but she wasn’t as taken aback as I’d expected. Avery must have told her about Ryker. He held out his hand to her.

“Ryker Winchester, Mrs. Prescott. I’m glad to meet you.”

“Avery told me about you.” She looked pointedly at me.

“I meant to tell you,” I began, but she waved away my words.

“We don’t have time to chat now. Plane’s leaving soon, but call me.”

“Mom, are you sure you don’t want to stay? At least one night to rest?”

I didn’t understand why she was always so stubborn. It was a long journey. She always insisted on picking up Avery, so Dad drove her to the airport in Phoenix, then she flew to New York and made the return journey the same day.

“No, no. I’m going to sleep on the plane anyway. And I can’t be away too long from the animals. It was nice meeting you, Ryker.”

They shook hands again before Mom hugged Avery. She then turned her attention to me, pulling me into her arms, speaking in a soft voice.

“He’s a fine man. A detail obviously Avery didn’t mention.”

“Umm, thanks.”

Mom continued, “Just be careful.”

“I am.”

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