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I had two hours left until Ryker would come to my place. I wanted to prepare the perfect dinner. Not just the food, but the ambiance too. I had that last part down: romantic, but not too feminine. Diffuse lighting but no candles. It would take me no time at all to set it up.

But the food... I had no idea what Ryker liked to eat. I tried to recall what he’d had the few times we’d met up... and came up blank. Holy shit, and I prided myself in having an excellent memory. But I’d been so wrapped up in him that I didn’t even remember what I had eaten on those occasions.

I went to a shopping area near my place, but after entering and exiting the second store empty-handed, I decided that I needed a new plan. A better plan. I was going to call Skye.

Was I crossing boundaries by bringing his family into this? Then again, he’d plotted first, when he’d conspired with them. Besides, he’d conspired with Avery too. Ryker wouldn’t mind. Besides, it was better to cross boundaries than poison him. My food was mediocre at best when I cooked freestyle, but if I followed a detailed recipe, it was delicious.

I sat on a bench under a crab apple tree. The white blooms looked like something out of a fairy tale, and the sweet scent made me hungry. Mid-April was one of my favorite periods in the city. I couldn’t wait to have some time to venture to Central Park and see the cherry trees in blossom.

Before I could talk myself out of it, I called Skye.

“Hey. Is this a good time to talk?” I asked.

“Sure. I’m just sorting out some inventory. Fire away.”

“So, umm... Ryker and I have a date tonight, and I want to surprise him by cooking for him. What’s his favorite dish?”

“Roast beef and au gratin potatoes.”

“That sounds... like something I can completely screw up. Do you have a recipe? The more detailed the better.”

“I’ll look one up and send you the link. Just give me a sec.”

“Thanks! You’re a lifesaver.”

“No one’s asked me this before,” Skye said. “I think my brother’s hit the jackpot with you.”

I laughed nervously. “Wait to see the result of dinner before you praise me too much.”

“Oh, I trust you, Heather Prescott.”

I was still in a frenzy after hanging up. While waiting for Skye to send me the recipe, I decided to take a time-out. I found a vintage coffee shop and sat at one of their tiny round tables. The white paint was chipping off, but in a lovely rustic way. I ordered a cappuccino and a scone.

Damn, big mistake. I was already jittery, and the coffee didn’t help. Neither did the sugar. By the time Skye messaged me, I was so nervous I could barely sit.

And that recipe, oh God. It

had a million steps. It also required a meat thermometer, which I didn’t have. Okay, I could do this. I could definitely do this.

I went to the butcher across the street. A panicky feeling overcame me when the butcher glanced at the recipe and proclaimed it was all kinds of wrong and that I’d ruin a great piece of meat by following it. Well, that was not helpful.

I just smiled politely, paid for the products, and darted out of the store before he could scare me some more.

By the time I arrived home, I didn’t have that much time left.

I could shower and get all pretty and fancy for Ryker while everything was in the oven. Yeah, I could do that.

Five minutes into following the recipe, I realized it was even harder than I’d anticipated. Still, I persisted. I’d even bought one of those fancy thermometers. When everything was in the oven, I hurried to the bathroom. I was late. Ryker was supposed to arrive in forty minutes, yet the beef needed ninety in the oven. Oh well, I just had to entertain him until it was done... and I was quite good at that.

After a quick shower, I put on a short, silky dress that just spelled seduction and sprayed on a new perfume. I didn’t style my hair aside from blow-drying it, but it fell into loose curls all around me.

I was ready for the evening to start.

When the bell rang, I had to reconsider that statement. My heartbeat went from normal into overdrive in a fraction of a second. I pressed a palm on my chest, hoping to calm down, but feeling the wild pulse under my hand only made me more aware of it.

I hurried to the door, opening it with a big smile. He’d taken off his coat already, giving me a prime view of his suit. My gaze automatically went to his right cuff link—the one I’d dislodged today. He’d fastened it back.

“Already thinking about tearing it off again?” he teased, putting me at ease a little.

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