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He didn’t want to leave my side? That was so... I didn’t even know how to describe it, but I felt so important. Protected.

After picking up the tickets, we went to the food counter. I tried to hide my disappointment at the serving size he’d chosen: small. I was hungry, and this was going to be my dinner. His portion was small as well. I wondered if I could get away with stealing some of his.

As we headed to the theater, I took off my jacket.

“Fuck,” Ryker muttered.

I glanced up and nearly swallowed my tongue. Ryker’s gaze was not just intense, but feral. He was looking me up and down slowly. I felt great wearing the new camisole underneath my wool dress, it just made me feel that little bit sexier. My choice of footwear was also intentional: sexy stiletto half boots instead of my usual flat, knee-length boots, and tights.

We were in a narrow corridor next to a small table in front of another empty theater. Ours was further down at the end of the hallway. Ryker set his popcorn bag and soda cup on the table, then did the same with mine.

I was about to ask what was going on, when his intent became clear. Interlacing one hand with mine, he pulled me into the room. It was completely dark inside. Ryker’s mouth came down on mine the next second. His kisses were usually exquisite, but now he was taking everything to a whole new level. He explored me with an urgency that made me burn. And when he lowered himself on one of the chairs, pulling me in his lap, I curled my knees at his side instantly. His hand slipped under my dress. The contact electrified me. I pushed my hips into him, moaning softly. He pressed his fingers on my flesh, as if it was all he could do not to rip apart my tights. I felt his other hand in my hair, cupping the back of my head. He kissed me until I was so weak for him and so turned on that I could barely think.

“Heather, fuck,” he murmured against my lips.

“I think our movie is going to start.”

He made a sound I couldn’t quite decipher before helping me climb down from his lap. As we left the room, I felt him look at me. In the dimly lit corridor, I glanced up. Oh, heavens... if I thought his gaze had been feral before, it was nothing compared to this. He looked as if he was having second thoughts about the movie and would much rather just throw me over his shoulder and take me out of the building.

I felt him watch me as I picked up my popcorn and drink. He followed suit, then guided me to our actual theater. I chuckled as we sat down. I hadn’t gone on a movie date since college.

“You know, I’ve never made out at the theater?” I whispered to Ryker.

His mouth curled into a satisfied smile. I simmered. Simmered! And the man wasn’t even trying to seduce me right now. Oh, heavens. How was I supposed to just sit with him for the next two hours?

By focusing on the movie, that was how.

It became clear within the first minutes that Ryker was a terrible person to go to a movie with. He kept trying to explain back stories and trivia, with the result that I spent more time shushing him than paying attention. On the bright side, he was so focused on explaining every detail that I’d managed to eat half his popcorn too. I’d wolfed down mine during the trailers.

“I’m never watching another movie with you,” I announced when we returned to the main hall. “You’re one of those awful people who talk through the whole thing. Worst movie companion.”

“I promise I make a better dinner companion.”

“What do you mean?”

“You didn’t think I wouldn’t take you to dinner, did you?”

“You didn’t say anything about dinner.”

“Didn’t want to risk you saying no. I want to spend more time with you, Heather. And I’m starving. Aren’t you?”

I narrowed my eyes. “You bought a small popcorn bag on purpose, didn’t you?”

He grinned. “Guilty.”

“Ohhh....” I’d just realized a tiny detail. “Skye, Tess, and your mom already know, don’t they?”

“And Natasha. Had to tell her so she could make plans for Avery accordingly.”

“How do you even know Natasha? And how to contact her?”

“I have my ways of finding out what I want.”

“You thought about everything.”

My pulse jackhammered in my throat, my chest, my ears. I couldn’t focus on anything else except Ryker, as if we were separated from our surroundings by a veil. How could he do that? Reduce everything to a low background noise? Make my entire body hum with one look, one touch? Make me want things I’d been determined to avoid only a few weeks back?

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