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Wait, what? Hell, no. I’d asked Heather here because I wanted to spend time with her. If she danced half the night, we’d barely exchange a few words. Heather wasn’t going to dance with anyone but me.

“Perfect. Come with me to our table so I can tell you exactly how it works,” Skye said. My sisters exchanged a glance. I bit back a smile. Yeah, I was starting to put two and two together. As was often the case with my family, I could guess the general gist, but not the depth or the intricacy of their plan. Life in the Winchester clan was just one surprise after the other.

“I’ll just check on Avery real quick,” Heather said. “I’ll find you later.”

Skye nodded.

As soon Heather was out of earshot, I focused on my sisters.

“You asked Heather here earlier on purpose?” I asked Tess.

She smiled. “Of course. You didn’t think I’d wait until the event starts to meet the woman who’s got you all tied up in knots, right? I wanted to have enough time to get the right picture of what’s happening.”

“And?” I asked.

“I only had about ten minutes with her.”

“So you didn’t get the picture?”

Tess jerked her head back. “I’m offended. I already got all the intel I needed.”

“In ten minutes?”


“I’ve known Heather for three weeks.”

“What can I say, I work fast.”

“I’m impressed. So?”

Tess smiled saucily. “Who said I’ll tell you anything?”

I groaned. Skye elbowed Tess. “Tess! This is a time-sensitive matter. You can tease him another time.”

“So good to know that at least one of my sisters loves me unconditionally.”

Skye winked. “I can’t help it. Have to go, though. Need to finalize some details. You’ll have to fill me in later.”

After Skye left, Tess tilted her head, sighing. “I think she’s trying to protect Avery and herself from heartbreak and getting their hopes up. It’s hard on kids to just see people walk in and out of their lives, you know?”

“I know.”

She looked at the kids’ corner, wringing her hands. “I understand where Heather is coming from, wanting to protect Avery. The day Mom told us Dad left, I thought she’d just meant he wasn’t coming home that evening. I waited on the windowsill for him that entire week. I waited for him to come back for years. Right until he remarried.”

Jesus. I had absolutely no comeback. She’d never told me this.


She waved her hand. “Let’s not get into all that. We’re talking about Avery and Heather right now.”

“She told you everything you’ve just said?”

“Not in exact words. She just told me her story and I inferred the appropriate conclusions.”


“Oh, by the way, Mom and Mick are coming tonight.”

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