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“Well, that was unexpected,” I say, staring at the closed door.

“Are you all right?”

“Yeah. I’m glad he apologized. Maybe he needed that closure.”

“What about you?”

“Oh, I had closure the second he slapped me.” I look into Nick’s eyes. “Can we blow this popsicle stand?”

“I thought you’d never ask.”

“You’re staying in bed,” Nick says as he clears my dinner plate away. As soon as we got back to the house, he tucked me into his bed—so he could keep a better eye on me, he said—and has been doting on me like crazy.

I admit, it doesn’t suck. But it’s completely unnecessary.

“Nick, I’m not an invalid.”

He bends over so he’s nose-to-nose with me. “For once, just do as you’re told.”

“Yeah, I don’t like that either.”

He smirks. “It’s one evening of rest, sweetheart. Just let me care for you, okay?”

I sigh dramatically. “This is backwards. I’m supposed to be taking care of you.”

“I’m just fine.”

“Well, so am I.”

“Are you always this stubborn?”

I lift a brow. “No, I’m tired this evening, so I’m less stubborn.”

“If you’re that tired, staying in bed won’t be a hardship for you.” He winks and leaves the room, taking my empty plate down to the kitchen.

Rather than argue, I reach for my iPad and open it to the book I’ve been reading. I’m less than a page in when he returns and walks right past me and into the master bath.

I hear the shower start and imagine him stripping down to get under the hot spray of water. I have to admit, I’ve enjoyed getting to know Nick. He’s smart and kind, has a stellar work ethic, and can even be fun. His moodiness doesn’t bother me at all.

But his body? Holy mother Mary, his body is the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen. It does things to me that might be illegal in some states.

And he’s naked right now.

When I hear the water turn off, I call out to him. “Nick? Can you come in here for a sec?”

He comes to the doorway, a towel slung low around his hips, and his eyebrows raised in question. “What’s up?”

“Lose the towel.”

Water beads on his chest, his arms, and his neck. His dark hair is still wet.

I want to lick him from head to toe.

His eyes narrow. “Why?”

“I wanna see something. Please?”

He lets the towel fall to the floor, and I soak in the sight of him. Hard muscles, defined beautifully under smooth, tanned skin. Abs for days, and a happy trail of hair that leads south to an impressive cock that’s growing by the second.

“You’re in no shape for this,” he says.

Rather than reply, I strip my tank top over my head and toss it to the floor. “I’m in excellent shape for this.”

“You fell into a bloody lake today.”

I wave him off and rise to my knees, shucking off my underwear. “That was hours ago. I’ve had medical attention and lots of rest, thanks to you. It’s all your fault, by the way.”

“That you fell into the lake?”

“No, that’s my fault. It’s your fault that I want to ravage your sexy body. I mean, look at you.”

His lips twitch. “Like what you see, do you?”

“Oh, yeah. Come here.”

He licks his lips and crosses to me. I reach for his cock, but he captures my wrist in his hand as he climbs over me and pins my hand above my head.

“If you touch me, I’ll embarrass myself,” he growls.


“Because you make it impossible for me to breathe, much less keep a rein on my dick, Jordan. Your touch makes me lose my ever-loving mind.”

“Good to know.”

He nuzzles my neck. A drop of water falls onto my chest and weaves a wet path between my breasts.

“You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on.”

I want to smirk. Brush it off. Chalk up those words to an intense situation today and chemistry.

But his eyes are hot as they roam over my face and shoulders.

“Thank you,” I whisper.

“I’m going to take this nice and slow,” he says. His voice is hushed as he kisses along my jawline.

“I’m not fragile.”

“The fuck, you’re not,” he replies as his free hand slides up my inner thigh. “Ah, you’re ready for me.”

“More than ready,” I agree, opening wider for him. “So ready.”

He leans over me and plants his full lips next to my ear as he slowly begins to slip inside.

“Mine,” he whispers. “For now, you’re mine.”

I may be yours forever.

But I can’t speak the words aloud. I don’t know what’s going to happen when all is said and done.

All I can do is enjoy every second with him. Every touch. Every sigh.

He moves faster, but he’s still careful. I reach between us and press a fingertip to my clit, and his pupils dilate.

“You’re so damn sexy,” he growls. “Ah, bloody hell.”

He groans as he falls over the edge, succumbing to his orgasm. He grinds the root of his cock against me, and I follow him over in the most all-encompassing orgasm I’ve ever experienced.
