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“Sam,” Jordan says.

We both turn to find her smiling at us.

“It should be illegal to have that much hotness in one room.”

Sam smirks. “Stop swimming in winter, okay?”

“Accident,” she says, and her eyes droop closed. “Nick saved me.”

“What am I, chop suey?” Sam says. He reaches out and rubs her foot. “Call me if you need anything.”

“Call my mom, okay?”

“Will do.” He turns to me. “Old family friends. It’s a small town.”

“I’m glad you’re here,” I reply. “Thank you.”

Sam nods. “I’ll see you later.”

He leaves, and I sit next to Jordan, then take her hand in mine and kiss her cold fingers.

“I know you said you like to be cold, but this is taking things too far,” I say.

“Yeah, I’m a drama queen.” She smiles up at me. Her skin isn’t so blue anymore. Her eyes look tired, but they’re clear.

I feel myself breathe for the first time since she took off on that tube.

Chapter 9


I’ve never been so cold—or scared—in all my life.

“I think our sledding days are over,” Nick says. He’s kissing my hand like it’s his lifeline. “We’ll stick with snowmen.”

“I’m okay.” I squeeze his hand. “Honest. I’m feeling much better.”

“I’m not,” he admits and closes his eyes. He has dark circles under them, and he looks as if he’s been awake for days. “You took ten years off my life.”

“Hey, I really am okay. I’m warming up. We’ll be back at the house before you know it.”

He leans in and presses his lips to my cheek. “If you ever pull something like that again, I’ll spank your arse red.”

“Well, that’ll warm a girl up. Who knew I was into spanking?”

His lips twitch, but he doesn’t smile.

“I’ve been through a lot of shite,” he says. “From watching men die, to fishing royalty out of a lake, to being shot myself.”

“I know.” I drag my fingers down his cheek, over the stubble there. He hasn’t shaved in a few days. “I didn’t know I’d go out that far. I’m sorry, Nick.”

He sighs deeply, and his shoulders sag.

“Did I hear you say you hurt your shoulder?” I ask. “And don’t you dare lie to me.”

“It’s sore. Ask me how many fucks I give.”

“I give fucks, Nick. I’m supposed to keep you from getting hurt. Not getting you hurt. Or something like that.”

“All that matters is that you’re safe,” he says and brushes my hair off my face. “Those men saw you mostly naked, so now I have to kill them all.”

“I’m in my bra and panties under here,” I remind him.

“Mostly naked,” he repeats. “What’s up with you and Sam?”

I feel my lips twitch. “He was my first kiss. But I was twelve, and he was fourteen, so I don’t think it counts. Why, are you jealous?”

I hold my breath. Is he jealous?

“Of course, not,” he says. “I was just curious.”

“Uh-huh. That’s why you want to murder them all for seeing me in my underwear. Curiosity.”

Nick laughs and kisses my lips lightly. “Finish warming up so I can take you home.”

The way he’s smiling at me gives me shivers. He’s tender and sweet. And, dare I say…loving?

“Jordan, there’s someone out here who wants to see you,” the nurse says, poking her head in the door. “His name’s Jeremy?”

“Oh.” I blink at her and then look up at Nick, who’s scowling at the poor woman. “I guess he can come in.”

She nods and leaves, and Nick shakes his head.

“He has no business here. I should call Brad.”

“Before you do…” Jeremy says as he walks into the room. His eyes are on me, and he looks scared. “I just wanted to come by and apologize. I tried to call but figured you probably don’t have your phone on you.”

“It’s likely at the bottom of the lake,” I say, thinking of my phone for the first time. “How did you know I was here?”

“Dad’s police scanner,” he says. His father used to be a volunteer fireman and never stopped using the scanner. “Scared me.”

Nick’s hand tightens on mine. It doesn’t go unnoticed by Jeremy.

“I’m not here to cause trouble,” he says. “In fact, I wanted to come and apologize…for everything.”

“I’m not dropping the charges,” I say.

“I know,” he replies with a grim nod. “I never should have put my hands on you that way, Jordan. You didn’t deserve it. And I was a supreme asshole for causing a scene at the stroll.”

“Quite,” Nick says.

“I won’t bother you again. When I heard about the accident on the lake, I just wanted to make sure you were okay. We may be over, but you were the most important part of my life for a long time, and I want you to be amazing.”

“Thanks,” I say and offer him a smile. “I want you to be amazing, too. Be nice to the next girl.”

“I will.” He smiles and then ducks out of the room.
