Page 22 of Spark

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“You ever been in a relationship?” I find myself asking him. He’s told me about college, his family, their business and even his company. There wasn’t much talk of anything or anyone else when it came to his private life.

He pauses from the dishes he’s washing to glance over at me. He looks like he doesn’t want to tell me something. Oh, God. Maybe this is it. The something that is really wrong with him. I know he’s not married. Google would have told me that. Even in the pictures they have of him he is always with his family at some event or charity. Other than that it is only article after article of how fast his company grew and continues to do so.

“No,” he finally gives.

“Why were you so hesitant to tell me that?” I pull off my apron, hanging it up.

“I don’t want you to think because I haven’t had a relationship that I’m a one-night stand kind of man.” He puts the last bowl away that he was washing for me.

“Are you?”

“No. I was a workaholic. Now my sister says I’m a bum.” I let out a small laugh.

“A bum? I don’t think you can be called that.”

He shrugs. “I’ve been aimless these past few months. Something was nagging at me and I couldn’t figure out what was wrong with me. I also couldn’t find anything that held my interest.”

“And now?” I nudge.

“I think part of me knew I was missing something. That it was time to start a whole new chapter in my life. The first time I saw you, I knew you would be the first page. Every day I hope to add a little more to our story.”

Wow. The man is really good with his words. No wonder he always gets his way. He clears the space between us. He easily lifts me up. Although he is big, his size has never intimidated me for some reason. I know what’s coming. I have a feeling I am about to lose my virginity and I suddenly feel shy.

“Your sister seems nice.”

His whole body shakes with laughter. “We’re not talking about my sister right now.”

“We’re going to do other things?” My hands lock behind his neck. I am nervous and excited all at once. I’m not saving my virginity per se but no one has come along to make me think about losing it. There hasn’t been time for dating and the few guys who’ve taken me out on dates were only passing through town. I never clicked with anyone before and now with Jax, I’m a clinger. I can’t get enough of this man.

Now each time he lifts me into his arms I wrap myself around him as tight as I can. My experience is limited with men but I know that I’ve never felt any sort of connection to the handful of guys I went out with before Jax. They were nice enough to have dinner and a conversation with but I never felt the urge to take it any further. For a while I thought I might be broken because I didn’t feel anything toward anyone that took me out. With Jax it was an instant attraction from the minute I laid eyes on him. We have a natural attraction to one another and I can’t stop myself from wanting to be as close to him as humanly possible. I hope he knows what he’s gotten himself into.

“I’ll do whatever you want, my little protestor.”

“I’m not protesting anymore. You said—”

“I know what I said,” he cuts me off. I know people are still working next door. I should ask what’s going on if he isn’t putting in one of his coffee shops. They could just be clearing out or getting the place set back up for something else. I should ask. I really should but all my thoughts about the new shop flutter from my mind as we enter my place. Bear is still lying on my loveseat asleep. He doesn’t even pay us any attention as Jax carries me into my small bathroom.

“What are you doing?” I ask when he sets me down on the sink.

“Taking care of you.” He reaches for my shirt, pulling it off over my head. I swallow, waiting for the shyness to hit. I feel heat pool in my belly. My chest blooms with it too. There is really no need for me to be shy now. He’s seen the most private thing that I have. I mean, his face was buried in it for a decent amount of time. The thought of how he made me come on his tongue has me wiggling in anticipation. I let him undress me before he turns on the shower and starts to pull his own clothes from his body.

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