Page 10 of Spark

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“You know what they say. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.” My body heats at her suggestion, liking it a little too much.



“She’s ignoring me.” Andrea laughs into the phone at my response. Three days and the woman still won’t give me the time of day. She is nice to all the construction workers. She is basically kind to everyone besides me. She looks straight through me like I’m made of glass. She started doing that when she realized I was enjoying the banter between us. Most of her little jabs were at me and my business so I’m not sure why she’s the one that’s offended. I really didn’t care how many of those insults she threw my way as long as she was talking.

“This is wonderful. I think I love her.” I’m glad someone is laughing about it. I don’t think I’m in love with her. I know I am. That ship has sailed. “Is it weird to not have a woman fall all over you?” she says through her laughter. I roll my eyes.

“I don’t like that shit,” I remind her. My sister had a few friends growing up that would attach themselves to her to get close to me. They only saw dollar signs. It would piss her off as much as it did me. I hated the attention but I’d do anything to have it from my little protestor right now.

“I can’t wait to meet her.”

“What part of she’s ignoring me did you not hear?” I sigh into the phone from my position across the street where I’m watching her. Bear has taken up residence with her. He too ignores me until she goes home for the night. He’s a traitor and I’m not too proud to admit that I’m jealous of my own dog. He spends all day with her while I watch and she’s always fussing over him.

“You’re a Roberts. We always get what we’re after,” she reminds me. This is true. We are a relentless bunch. My little protestor isn’t going to go down without a fight though. I want her to rest in the chair I’ve provided for her. She looks exhausted. How could she not be? She cooked all night into the morning hours. Then she only slept a few hours so she could be back protesting and talking to people. She has fight in her. I’ve only gone across the street because I noticed the closer I was the more she passed back and forth with her sign. I’m hoping she’ll sit if I am out of sight.

“Was there something you needed?” I ask, wondering why she called. Normally I am the bored one bothering her. “Miss me?” I tease. I haven’t been around to bother her.

“I think you should fire that Brent.” I mentally remind myself to give him another raise.

“Couldn’t get what you wanted out of him?” She’s dying to know where I am. I haven’t told her because she might get a wild hair and come down here. It is close enough for her to drive and I’m not taking the chance. I’m sure she’s been pressing him for information on my little protestor. If she gets a few pieces of information she could go digging herself. Brent is under strict orders not to indulge her.

“I’m your sister. I think I should be able to ask your assistant where you are and have him tell me.” I fight a smile at her tone. It’s the same one she used when she would tell on me when we were kids.

“Maybe you should ask Jason,” I toss out.

“Jason?” she says slowly.

“Yes, Jason.” She can play coy all she wants but I am onto them. I don’t know what they are but they’re something. Jason is a good guy so I am leaving it be. I enjoy putting my sister off kilter too. It is a rare event so I am going to enjoy it. The only person Andrea is fooling about her relationship with Jason is herself.

“I have to go. Marco just walked into my office with contracts.”

“Contracts for what?” I don’t actually care. I feel like ruffling her feathers a little since she was just grilling me two seconds ago. I know she is lying about being handed paperwork.

“You don’t tell me stuff and I won’t tell you either,” she smarts. “Love you, bye.” She ends the call on me. I had that coming. I pocket my phone and go back to watching my girl. Tension leaves my body as I watch her finally sit down for a moment. It is too hot out here even under the shade. She should be inside lying on a soft bed moaning my name in the air conditioning as I eat her pussy. I have no doubt the treat between her thighs is more delicious than the ones she bakes. That’s saying a lot because those are perfection.

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