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“Of course, I miss all those things. But I miss pussy most of all.”

“Then get your shit together, asshole.”

He turned his gaze to the side, staring out the small window that was close to the ceiling. It was the only form of sunlight he got to see. The rest of the prison was nothing but fluorescent light and darkness.

I watched him with pity, knowing he deserved a better life than the one I’d condemned him to. “Heath, I’m trying to help you. I don’t want you to be killed then chained down to the bottom of the ocean.”

“I’ve always wanted to be buried at sea.”

I ignored the morbid joke. “I’m serious.”

“I know you are, Balto.” He turned his gaze back to me, his eyes cloudy from being locked up in this place.

“I know prison has changed you even though you act like it hasn’t. I know you’re eager to get out of here and not get thrown back in. I’m willing to give this a try because I think you’re ready. But don’t fuck with me, Heath. I mean it. You’re only getting this opportunity because you’re my brother.”

He stared at me with the same ice-cold expression. “No. I’m only getting this opportunity because I’m your twin.”



When two weeks came and went, the high from my night with Balto wore off. I couldn’t remember the way he smelled, and the memory of his kiss even started to fade away. The stale memory didn’t make me forget him easily, but it made me want to make new memories instead. Now I missed my freedom more than ever before. I didn’t want anything from Balto but his body, but I couldn’t even have that.

I was stuck in a prison.

I tried to remind myself there were worse men in the world to be married to, but Lucian was still a bottom-feeder. He had deals take place at the house, and whenever they went wrong, he didn’t hesitate before he executed people on the front lawn. I might have been more scared if I’d had something to live for. Right now, I was just getting through every day with painful slowness. There was nothing to look forward to, nothing to be excited about.

When I had to let Lucian fuck me, I always pretended Balto was the one in between my legs. My imagination was weak in the beginning, but now I’d gotten so good at it, sometimes, it seemed like he might actually be there. It worked enough to make me wet so we didn’t need lube, and occasionally it would even bring me to a climax. It was a weak orgasm, weaker than the ones I gave myself with my hand, but at least it didn’t make sex completely pointless.

When Lucian finished, he cleaned off in the bathroom then made himself a drink.

We slept in different bedrooms, so I didn’t lie in the sweaty sheets for long. I stood up and gathered my clothes off the ground.

* * *

He poured two glasses of wine. “Where do you think you’re going?”

I stilled at the odd question. “To bed. Aren’t you?”

He carried the two glasses back to bed. “Stay with me.” While he phrased it like a suggestion, I knew it was anything but a recommendation. It was a direct order, and if I disobeyed, there would be consequences.

Living with him for so long taught me all of his moods. I could read him like a book and mastered my interactions with him. I had it down to a science so I could avoid arguments, fights, and even slaps to the face. Lucian didn’t beat me like some men beat their wives, but he wouldn’t be afraid to strike me if I got out of line.

So I left my clothes on the floor and got back into bed.

He handed me the glass then clinked his against mine. “To living life to the fullest.”

That was a toast I couldn’t drink to. I watched him drink his wine, but I didn’t take a sip. My life was slowly passing me by, and I was eager for the end—even though I had a long road ahead.

He licked his lips then stared at me, propped on one arm. “What did you do today?”

“Read by the pool.”

His fingers slid over my wrist. “Your tan looks lovely.”


“I had business all day. I’ve created a new prototype, and somehow, word got out. I’ve got bids going, and the auction isn’t even open yet.”

I couldn’t care less about Lucian’s work. He was a brilliant engineer who made weapons of mass destruction. He was selective on who he sold his work to, profiting billions of dollars for his transactions because his commodities were so inaccessible. I didn’t approve of criminal activity in any form, but I particularly despised Lucian’s line of work. He created weapons that could easily destroy us all. I didn’t know how to respond to this boring information, so I sipped my wine.

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