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Even in the moonlight, Laura could tell Mark’s face went pale. “I’m sorry. I didn’t…”

“Know. You didn’t know. It’s okay. I mean, it’s not okay, but she was very unhappy for a very long time. One night, she took a bottle of sleeping pills…and she just never woke up.” Laura hugged herself, feeling suddenly chilled in the island night air.

“I get it. Some days, death seems like a blessing.” His tone was morose and she snapped to attention.

“What do you mean?” Laura asked, voice sharper than she intended.

“Not waking up.” Mark sighed.

“Don’t say that.” Laura felt her temper rise.

“Why not?” Mark looked at her from across the hood of his pickup.

“Because killing yourself is a very selfish thing to do.”

“Who would miss me?”

I would, Laura almost said but stopped herself just in time. Why was she so determined to fall for men who didn’t truly love her back?

“Just don’t do it,” Laura said, and then she tucked her purse under her arm and stalked off to the stairs, heading to her own condo and not looking back. Still, she could feel Mark’s gaze on her the entire way.

* * *

MARK WOKE TO the sound of a hard knock on his condo door. He’d decided not to bother with the alarm that morning. What was the point? Laura probably was done helping him after last night, and what hope did he have of finding someone to sail anyway?

The boat only needed a good coat of waterproof resin and then it should be seaworthy, but why even bother when Dave and Garrett would make sure he’d lose, even if he got his boat in the water?

The hard knock came again.

He dragged himself from bed and yawned, scraping over to the front door. He opened it and saw Laura there, dressed for work, hair tied back with a red bandanna.

“It’s already daylight out,” she said, almost with an accusing tone. “Why aren’t you ready to work?”

“Why aren’t…” he began, dumbfounded. What was she doing here? They hadn’t made plans for her to come this morning, and yet, here she was.

“Come on, sleepyhead. Let’s get to work. The sooner I finish your boat, the sooner I can get back to my vacation.” She seemed chipper, even happy.

“I didn’t expect you to come this morning,” he said, rubbing his head.

“And give you a chance to give up?” She cracked her own knuckles. “No way.”

“I thought you were—”

“Hung up on you? Hardly. I’m a big girl.” Laura lifted her chin. “Besides, I’m turning over a new leaf. No more falling for unavailable men.”

“Oh.” He was so confused. When had she decided all this? And what was she even talking about?

“Come on. Let’s get this rust bucket done so you can give your brother a run for his money.”

“Well.” Mark still wasn’t sure what was happening. “Even if we do fix the boat, there’s still the crew and—”

She ignored him entirely. “Do you have anything better to do today?” she asked.

He had to admit he didn’t.

“Then put me to work.”

* * *

WITH THE WOOD stain dry, all they needed to do was apply a coat of waterproof resin to the bottom of the boat with a thick-bristled brush. Laura spent the day working nearly shoulder to shoulder with Mark and prided herself that she only let a romantic thought or two into her head once or twice. I’m being so grown-up. Finally. Maddie would be proud.

So what if things weren’t going to work out with Mark? He was still in trouble, and she’d see her promise through to help him. Then she’d get on with finding whatever it was she was looking for so she could figure out what the hell she was going to do with the rest of her life.

And she could do that without being a walking emotional wound. Yes, she was grieving, and she realized she’d been looking to Mark to save her. Well, he couldn’t. Only she could do that. Laura knew that the only way to really make a change in her life was to decide to do it, just like she’d decided to leave San Francisco.

She wasn’t about to let Mark wallow in failure. After his throwaway line last night about knowing what it felt like to not want to wake up, she knew she had to see this project through. Even if Mark was…well, Mark.

He did go and get them sandwiches for lunch, but he hardly said a word as Laura continued to work.

Finally, after a long day of applying resin, Laura leaned back and paused to admire her handiwork, even as the sun began to sink behind the horizon. The sky blazed a fiery red, but she barely noticed as she once again threw herself into her work. She needed to finish this coat before the sun went down.

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