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“The good news is Kýrie Angelis has awakened. He has cuts and bruises, but it’s his head that was impacted by the crash.” Dimitra broke down quietly, hugging Alexa. “We’ve run scans to know if there’s been significant damage to the brain. We’ll have the results soon.”

“Can I go in?” his mother asked in a tear-filled voice.

“No one is allowed to see him yet. Since he came to, he has asked repeatedly for us to send in his wife.”

Upon hearing that, Alexa’s heart almost jumped out of her chest.

“It’s an indication that he’s lost some of his memory. Whether it’s temporary or permanent, we won’t know for a while.”

Alexa took a deep breath. “He hasn’t lost his memory, doctor.”

Everyone looked at Alexa as if she’d lost her mind.

“I’m his wife.”

A collective gasp resounded in the room. Dimitra looked at her in shock.

“We were married in a private ceremony at the church in Sarti Village the other day, and planned to tell all of you after Dimitra and Kristos were married. But circumstances have changed the timeline.” He had to love her a bit to want to see her before anyone else, right? “May I see him now?”

“Of course,” the doctor murmured. “Come with me.”

“Go to him, Mama.” With stars in her eyes, Dimitra gave her a hard hug before letting her go.

* * *

Nico prayed he wasn’t hallucinating when Alexa came in the room and walked over to his bedside. She wore a filmy pale blue sundress with spaghetti straps. He had a royal headache, but there was nothing wrong with his vision. Her gorgeous face had a pallor that told him how she’d been suffering.

“Darling—” She finally said the word he’d been waiting for. Her sea-green eyes filled with liquid. “I had to tell them I was your wife, or they wouldn’t have let me see you before anyone else. Everyone loves you so terribly and is clamoring to see that you are all right.”

He lifted the hand that didn’t have an IV so she would take hold of it. “Thank heaven our secret is out. I couldn’t have lived with it another second. Don’t you know I want to shout it to the world that we’re together forever? Agape mou. I love you to the depth of my soul. Kiss me.”

“Are you sure it’s all right?” She sounded so frightened.

“Would you rather I expired while I wait for it?”

“Oh, Nico—I’m so in love with you, it hurts.” She leaned over and gave him the kiss of life. Her shiny chestnut hair fell around them.

When she finally lifted her head he said, “As the car met head-on with the other car, I couldn’t believe I had to say goodbye to my beloved again. I couldn’t bear it and called on the powers that be to perform a miracle.”

“It’s more than a miracle,” she cried softly. “You’re not only alive, you’re completely yourself. I’m overjoyed. I love you, Nico.”

“I’ve been dying to hear those words from you. I knew that if you said them, it meant you’d gotten over your guilt from the past.”

“I have, and I’ll keep telling you I love you till you’re sick of it. You have no idea how much I love you. Are you really feeling all right?”

“Other than a headache, I’ve never felt this wonderful.”

“That’s the kind of news I like to hear,” a male voice intruded. The doctor had come in the room and walked over to them. “Your tests are back. No permanent damage has been done. I’m keeping you here until tomorrow morning. If all is well, then you’ll be released. And by the way, congratulations on your marriage.”

“Thank you, Doctor.”

“I’ll give your families the good news, but I don’t want you bombarded with visitors.”

“I’ll make sure he doesn’t o

verdo it,” Alexa assured him.

As the doctor left the room, Nico squeezed her hand. “The minute I’m released, we’re going to fly to the villa and spend a few days alone. We need it in the worst way.”

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