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Alexa left her to go in the bathroom to change. After putting on her beach robe she grabbed a big towel to take with her.

The two women hugged hard before they left the bedroom. Irena was quickly becoming a close friend. Alexa walked her out of the villa to the helicopter pad to see her off. Nico had gone to find Yanni. All the other guests had left.

While Dimitra and Kristos talked and ate on the patio with her grandfather, Alexa told them she was going to walk down the road to the beach. The sun hadn’t set yet. It was a sight she wanted to see and told them she’d be back before long to help her grandfather get to bed.

Irena had given Alexa a lot to think about and she needed to be alone with her thoughts as she made her way toward the sea below. Nico couldn’t have found a more enchanting spot on earth to live. She hoped she could be forgiven for being happy he hadn’t lived here with his wife.

When she reached the beach, she slipped off her beach robe and put it on top of the towel before walking into the gentle sea. At any second the sun would drop below the horizon.

Getting in the water with Nico had been one of their greatest pleasures during those three weeks years ago. But to want to be alone with him now would be asking too much, even if she wanted to believe Irena. Alexa didn’t doubt Nico was happy to finally know the truth about everything, but that didn’t mean the sight of her made him want to go back to where they’d left off.

The other day in his office, he hadn’t followed through and kissed her senseless the way he’d once done. He’d held back, which told Alexa she didn’t dare imagine all had been forgiven.

For another thing, Nico couldn’t have been celibate all this time since his wife’s death. There had to be a woman he was seeing right now. This weekend Nico had been the ultimate host, but once they were all back in Salonica tomorrow, he’d be free to see any woman he wanted. To imagine that Alexa could be an intimate part of his life again sounded almost beyond the realm of possibility.

How would he feel to know Alexa was longing to get back in his arms and stay there? While she’d been at his villa, she’d been able to handle being around him because other people had provided a buffer. Giannina, among others, had pulled her aside.

She’d said she’d like to go to lunch with her next week so they could talk. Apparently she’d forgiven Alexa enough for what she’d done to her brother to extend the olive branch. Alexa liked her and had agreed to meet her.

But now that everyone had gone, Alexa was prey to her emotions. Needing to rid herself of doubts and unassuaged longings, she swam hard until she’d worn herself out. As she swam toward the beach, she realized she wasn’t alone.



He looked like a Greek god as he walked into the water wearing his black trunks. “The family told me you were down here. I decided to join you.”

Her heart was beating way too fast to be healthy. She started treading water. “I couldn’t resist. Thanks to you, the party was a huge success, and this place is paradise.”

Nico swam around her, reminding her of those magical nights in the sea years ago. “Our daughter just told me she’s never been so happy in her life.”

“I believe it.”

His gaze pierced her. “What about you, Alexa? Are you happy?”


p; Being with Nico again had brought her an out-of-this-world kind of happiness. “You have no idea. Our daughter is finally getting to know her long-lost father, and she’s engaged to be married to a very remarkable man I’m already crazy about.” She smiled. “I’ll ask you the same question.”

He came closer. “You want to know if I’m happy?”

She had trouble swallowing. Her desire for him was so great, she thought she’d go crazy if he didn’t reach for her. “Yes. Less than a month ago you had no idea what was going to happen and how it would affect your entire universe.”

“That’s the perfect way to describe it. When I kept getting those unopened letters and couldn’t find you after I returned home, I knew my universe would never be the same again. Yet here you are tonight, bringing me more happiness than I deserve.”

His answer thrilled her, but it puzzled her too. “What do you mean, deserve?”

“I’m not the person I once was.”

His words haunted her. “I could say the same thing about myself. Time changes all of us.”

It hurt that the fun-loving man she worshipped had all of a sudden reverted to his more solemn self once more. Something troubling had to be going on inside him. She didn’t know what to say and started swimming toward the beach. He followed her out of the water. Alexa reached for the towel to dry herself off.

Nico did the same thing. “If you’ve had enough, I’ll drive you up to the villa.”

“Thank you.”

He didn’t even want to walk in the sand with her for a few minutes? That was so unlike the Nico of the past. But what could she expect if he didn’t love her the way he once had? Irena said he’d changed, but something prevented Nico from reaching for her physically.

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