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“You have nothing to apologize for. Say whatever you want. When I’m in town and have to stay over, I use the apartment above the office. If you’d like to freshen up, I’ll see to settling Dimitra and have food sent to you and Gavril.”

Her eyes filled. “Thank you for being this wonderful to us.”

“I can’t do enough for our daughter.” In truth he couldn’t do enough for Alexa at this point. She’d handled the responsibility of raising their daughter alone, without him. He suffered over those missing years when he’d had no part in loving her and raising Dimitra from babyhood to the age she was now. The three of them had been cheated of that time together.

If he closed his eyes, nothing seemed to have changed. Her words and the way she said them made him believe they’d gone back in time to those three weeks when he’d lost his heart.

But there was a problem because when he opened them, his mermaid had grown into a stunning, sophisticated woman, a mother who had a career and responsibilities. Did she long for those days when they were so much in love, nothing else mattered?

Raisa had been very much aware of Nico’s feelings for Mara. Now that she was gone, did he have the right to be thinking about Mara all over again? Did he deserve a second chance at happiness with her? Before this weekend was out, he wanted to take her out on the beach and spend time alone with her. But did he dare? Would she want to be with him again like that?

Riddled with questions and guilt, he left the room.

* * *

The Saturday announcement party with family and a few close friends had put permanent smiles on the faces of the engaged couple. Most everyone had enjoyed the swimming pool. Alexa had preferred to walk around taking pictures with her phone, many of them of Nico.

All the fabulous catered food and music had made it an unforgettable day followed by professional picture taking to preserve memories. Though Nico’s parents and sister couldn’t have been nicer to Alexa and her grandfather, the two of them stayed close to Irena and her son Yanni.

Before all the guests had to leave, Alexa took Irena to her bedroom. It was there she shared the second letter Nico had sent her. As Irena read it, tears trickled down her cheeks.

“This gives me chills, Alexa.”

“It did the same thing to me the first time I read it. I’d just been in your home with you the day before. Everything Nico wrote about Tio and you was true, down to your beautiful red hair.”

She stared at Alexa. “It’s unbelievable that my son met your daughter. What were the chances?”

“I know. He’s the best!”

“So is she. I’m crazy about her. But I’m talking about Nico.”

Alexa blinked. “What do you mean?”

“When he couldn’t find you, he changed and was never the same again. I know because Tio and I helped him search for you. He was so in love and so heartbroken when he couldn’t find you, it really wasted him for a long, long time. Now suddenly you’ve reappeared in his life, with his daughter no less. The change in him is more dramatic than you can imagine.”

“But he got married!”

“Yes.” Irena put a hand on her arm. “He realized he couldn’t live on hope forever and she was a lovely person who adored him. But she knew you’d been the love of his life. If she’d lived and they’d had a baby to love, I have no doubts it would have helped him to be happier.”

Alexa shook her head. “Her death was so terrible.”

“Agreed, but he’s handled it surprisingly well. What he’s never gotten over is the loss of you. Not really. That’s why I can tell you that your presence has brought about a miraculous healing. The sorrow he’s worn like a burden since the first time I met him, is gone. Today he’s a new man and that’s all to do with you.”

Irena’s confession thrilled her. “Thank you for telling me this, but the fact remains, I did a terrible thing not to let him know I was pregnant at the very beginning. If I disgust you for what I held back, you’re being very kind to me. It means more to me than you know.”

“Alexa...if I’d been in your situation at that age, when Nico’s parents were so prominent and your grandfather’s career was at stake, I know I wouldn’t have told Tio.”

She wiped her eyes. “You’re just saying that because you’re such a good person.”

“No. I’m telling you the truth. Tio’s parents didn’t approve of his relationship with me. I didn’t come from a family of privilege. They did everything in their power to dissuade him from being with me. We eloped so they couldn’t stop us, while he was still training in the military.”

Alexa blinked in disbelief. “I didn’t know that.”

“It’s taken a long time to win them over. I’m still not there yet in their eyes. Thank you for showing me this.” Her voice caught. “It’s another proof that Tio really did love me.”

She started to give the letter back, but Alexa refused it. “Nico’s letters provided me the same proof. You keep it and read it whenever you want. Now give me a minute to change into my bathing suit. It’s a beautiful night and I feel like a swim before going to bed. You stay in here. When I’m ready, I’ll walk you out to say goodbye.”

Irena nodded, already reading the letter again.

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