Page 25 of The P.I.

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“Damn.” In one smooth stroke, he thrust all the way into her.

“Yes. Yes!”

“Wrap your legs around me.”

As soon as she did, he gripped her hands, linking her fingers with his. “Hold on. It’s going to be a rough ride.”

He began to move then, drawing out and pushing in, picking up the rhythm with each stroke. There was none of the gentleness he’d shown her when he’d touched her. She didn’t miss it, not when she had this. As she moved with him, meeting each thrust, Drew felt her world narrow to this man and where he was taking her. The pulsing inside of her just built and built.

His voice was a rough rasp at her ear. “Come with me, Drew. I want you with me. Now.”

Crying out Kit’s name, she leapt with him.


KIT STRUGGLED to surface. Reality trickled into his mind in little spurts. He became aware that he was lying on top of Drew, crushing her. He had to move. But he couldn’t, not yet, not until he caught his breath. What in hell had just happened? He’d intended to make love to her, to slowly restoke the fires that had built in both of them in the living room.

But the sight of her lying on his bed, naked, waiting for him, had snapped his control. He’d had to have her. What was she doing to him? He’d felt desire before—but it had always been reasonable, manageable.

When he tried to lever himself up, he realized that he was still trembling. “Are you all right?”

“I think so.”

She sounded as winded as he did, so he rolled, taking her with him and shifting until she was lying on top, her legs tangled with his, her head nestled against his shoulder.

“I don’t think I can move.”

“I’m with you there.” The fact was he didn’t want to move. As he lay there, simply holding her, Kit felt something move through him—not desire and certainly not that blast of fire that had nearly consumed him moments before. This was something softer, warmer. He felt as if he could go on holding her this way for a very long time.

That was another first for him.

Drew lifted her head and met his eyes. “That was—” She paused, then continued, “I don’t have a word for it, but it was even better than before.”

“I’m with you there, too.”

“And I want to do it again.”

He tucked a curl behind her ear and was amazed that he managed a grin. Evidently, he’d recovered the use of his arm and face muscles. “Sure thing. But I need a little recovery time.”

“But I can’t.”

Kit had an idea that he was losing the thread of the conversation. “You can’t give me some time?”

“No, I didn’t mean that. You can have a lot of time. But I…I don’t think I should make love with you again.”

“Why not? You just said you didn’t have a word to describe it. I agreed with you. You said you wanted to do it again. I one hundred percent agreed with you. And if you’re still having reservations about the quality of your technique, you did just fine. In fact, you’re a stellar example of the student surpassing the teacher.”

She frowned at him. “I’m serious. Making love again is not a good idea.”

Kit reached up to smooth the little line that had formed on her forehead. “Aw, nuts. We were on a roll there, agreeing on everything, and now you’ve gone and messed it up. Are you forgetting that I promised we’d do it against the wall again?” He leaned down and feathered his lips over hers. “I’m a man of my word. And I think you also requested the floor.”

“No, I didn’t. And stop kissing me. You know where that’s going to lead.” Drew pressed her hands against his shoulder and shoved. “I’m serious about this.”

Kit smiled at her. “I can see that. So why don’t you explain to me why you don’t want to make love with me again?”

“I do. I told you that. But I’m not being fair to you.”

Shifting her off him, he rose from the bed and discarded the condom. He extracted another one from the dresser, then took her hand and pulled her from the bed. “Why don’t you explain it all to me while we take a shower?”

She narrowed her eyes. “You’re not going to need that condom.”

“I believe in practicing safe sex, don’t you?”

“Of course I do. But I’m trying to explain to you why we shouldn’t make love again.”

Reaching into the shower, Kit placed the foil packet in the soap dish and twisted the faucets. “Go ahead. Explain.”

“Because I’d be using you.”

“I have no objection to that.” He dropped his gaze. “And it looks as though I don’t need any more recovery time.”

Drew couldn’t resist following the direction of his gaze, nor could she do anything to fight off the sudden wave of heat that shot through her at the sight of his erection. He was definitely ready. The melting and throbbing sensations inside of her told her that she was ready, too.

Except she wasn’t. Lifting her gaze to his, she tried to ignore what she was feeling.

“You’re thinking about it, too,” he murmured. “You’re wondering if it could possibly be as good as the last few times.”

“Stop that right now.” She fisted her free hand on her hip. “I’m trying to explain to you why this isn’t a good idea.”

“Okay. I’m all ears.”

She drew in a deep breath. “When you came back here, I told you that I’d changed my mind about kissing you again because I wanted to live in the moment.”

Kit kept his eyes on hers as he tested the shower spray and adjusted the faucets. “I see. Seize the day. Gather ye rosebuds while ye may—that kind of thing?”

“Yes. Exactly.”

“I can sympathize with that. I’ve had more than my fair share of ‘seize the day’ moments, believe me. So what’s the problem?”

She frowned at him. “Don’t you get it? I was just using you for escape. And that’s not fair. I should…we should be thinking about what to do next. I can’t stay here hiding. I…we have to find out who I am and who was shooting at me.”

“Is that all that’s bothering you?” Kit lifted her into the shower with him. She sputtered when the spray hit her full in the face, and by the time she’d shoved her hair out of her eyes, he’d lathered his hands and was rubbing them over her shoulders and up her throat.

“Yes, but…” His fingers were gentle and distracting as they traced first her cheekbones and then her jawline.

“I don’t see a problem. First, I think it’s very sweet that you have such a strict conscience and that you’re concerned about me. Two qualities that are not the hallmarks of a criminal mind, by the way. Second, I enjoyed having you use me.” He glided slick palms down her arms and up again.

“In fact, I’ll give you carte blanche to use me anytime you want. And if it will make you feel less guilty—” he slid his hands down her back “—I’ll use you right back.”

He was doing it again, Drew realized, emptying her mind and sweeping her into a world where only sensations existed. Even the sound of his voice seemed to ripple over her skin, making her more sensually aware of him.

“As far as thinking about what to do next, I have a few ideas—but sometimes taking a break from the problem can stimulate my brain cells.”

She hadn’t felt his hands move, but suddenly they were at her waist, drawing her closer so she could feel the hard press of his erection against her stomach. Then they slid over her buttocks and he slipped his fingers between her legs and into her folds. In one deft movement, they parted her and found her heat. She closed her legs trapping them there.

Leaning down, he drew an earlobe between his teeth and nipped it.

A tremor moved through her. “You’re not being fair.”

“Hey, you were worried that you weren’t being fair. Turnabout’s fair play. I’m just trying to even the score.”

She felt herself tighten around his fingers as they moved inside of her. The orgasm came out of nowhere and it slammed into her with the speed and power of a Mack truck. The shock waves were still reverberating through her when his hands gripped her buttocks and lifted her. It was a good thing he did, or she was sure she would have melted onto the floor of the shower.

“Wrap your pretty legs around me, Drew.”

She did as he pressed her back against the wall of the shower. The soft hair on his stomach rubbed against her clitoris and the hard length of his penis slid between her cheeks. She hadn’t thought it possible, but more ripples of heat coursed through her.

“Now open your eyes. I want you to watch what I’m doing.”

What strength she had left Drew channeled into opening her eyes. And it was worth the effort. With water cascading over his hair and down his face and shoulders, he reminded her of some ancient god who’d just walked out of the sea to claim her.

Raising one hand, he reached for the foil packet and tore it open with his teeth. Then he pulled the condom out. She found even those movements erotic. But the word took on new meaning when he moved his hands beneath her butt and began to slowly work himself into the latex. A flash fire moved through her as each movement rubbed him roughly against her. She was practically panting for him by the time he grasped her hips again.

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