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Gerald looked directly at Jaclyn. “No, they’re not.”

Troy thought Jaclyn’s left hand tightened on the back of Otto’s chair as she continued to question her business partner. “And you have no idea where the rumors came from?”

Gerald didn’t blink. “No, I don’t.”

Several silent moments passed as the two partners seemed to take each other’s measure. Troy’s impatience stirred. What was Jaclyn waiting for? Surely she hadn’t changed her mind about reporting Gerald to the NBA’s front office. He started to prompt her when Jaclyn held out her hand, palm up, in front of Otto. The referee unbuttoned the chest pocket of his tan corduroy shirt and withdrew a digital audio recorder. It was the same device Andrea had loaned Troy for his meeting with Mindy Sneal, the Monarchs Insider. Otto placed it in Jaclyn’s palm.

Jaclyn held up the recorder so Gerald could see it. “Then tell me, Gerry, what will I hear when I listen to this recording?”

Otto removed his ball cap and dragged his blunt fingers through his thick hair. “Now, it’s no longer your word against mine. It’s be

en recorded.”

All semblance of civility drained from Gerald’s features. He pinned Otto with his glare. “You can’t use that recording against me. This was a private conversation. You had no right to record it without my knowledge.”

Troy arched a brow. “But it’s OK for you to blackmail him?”

“Wait, Troy.” Andrea pressed her hand into the center of his back again.

Jaclyn dropped the recorder into her oversized silver purse. “We can debate morality all day. The fact is, Gerry, you’re violating league rules, and you were doing it to hurt your own team.”

Troy heard the pain of betrayal in Jaclyn’s voice.

Gerald’s eyes shifted from Jaclyn’s purse back to her face. “What are you going to do with that?”

Jaclyn adjusted her purse on her shoulder. “Give it to the commissioner. He’ll determine what happens to you. But it doesn’t look good, Gerry. You know what a stickler the commissioner is for the rules.” She looked at the referee. “Care to join us, Otto? I’m sure Gerry can handle the bill.”

Gerald sprang to his feet. Troy stepped forward, putting himself between Gerald and Jaclyn. Gerald shifted his attention to the marketing executive. “This isn’t over.”

Troy narrowed his eyes. “Somehow, Gerry, I think it is.” He gestured for Andrea, Jaclyn, and Otto to precede him from the bar’s dining area.

Troy hoped Gerald’s chapter with the Monarchs was indeed over. Would that clear the way for Troy to start over with the franchise?

That night, Troy joined Jaclyn in Quicken Loans Arena’s visiting owner’s suite to watch the final game of the Brooklyn Monarchs versus Cleveland Cavaliers seven-game playoff series. Win or go home.

Jaclyn welcomed him with a drink and gestured toward the older man by her side. “Troy, you remember Julian Guinn, Marc’s father, don’t you?”

Troy shook Julian’s hand. “Yes. It’s nice to see you again, Mr. Guinn.”

Julian grinned. “Call me Julian. I’m too nervous to answer to anything else.”

Ignoring the television monitors hanging around the suite’s ceiling, Julian turned to view the basketball court below through the room’s large window. Althea Gentry, Jaclyn’s administrative assistant, joined him.

With her gaze on the couple, Jaclyn leaned closer to Troy. “They’ve just started dating.”

Troy smiled. Jaclyn sounded almost smug. Did she have a hand in the budding romance?

The game was half an hour away. On the court, television crews were taking pregame footage. Players were warming up. Fans were filling the arena. Troy spotted Andrea taking her seat with the other reporters to record the game.

Jaclyn interrupted his thoughts. “Andrea helped me save the audio recording as a computer file. I e-mailed it to the commissioner.”

Troy gave Jaclyn his attention. “Do you think Stern will ban Gerry from the NBA?”

Jaclyn sipped from her glass of iced cola. “I hope so. What Gerry did isn’t just bad for the team. It’s bad for the league. But even if the commissioner doesn’t ban him, Gerry can’t come back to the Monarchs.”

“Why not?”

Jaclyn’s smile was bitter. “The morality clause in the partners contract states that if any partner violates NBA rules, he or she must immediately sell his or her shares equally to the remaining partners. The moment Gerry tried to affect the outcome of the playoffs, he broke our contract.”
