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His hand fell away from her shoulder as she turned to him. Troy replaced the touch of his hand with the warmth of his gaze.

Andrea stared into his ebony eyes. The concern was still there, joined by curiosity. But there wasn’t any pity, thank goodness. “Thank you for believing in me. I needed that.”

The right corner of Troy’s lips kicked up. Andrea’s cheeks heated as she read admiration in his gaze.

“We can use the buddy system for our job searches.”

Andrea exhaled a laugh. “You’ll get your job back with the Monarchs.”

Troy chuckled low in his throat, a rumbling sound that reverberated in her abdomen. “Our being on the same side feels strange, but I like it.”

Andrea arched a brow. “You said you’ve been my secret admirer for a while.”

He stroked her cheek with the tips of his fingers. “Then it’s not a secret anymore, is it?” He dropped his hand.

Andrea’s skin tingled where his fingers touched her. “It’s strange that it took both of us losing our jobs before we let down our guards.”

“Have we let down our guards?”

His voice was as mesmerizing as a magician’s spell. It wrapped around her until all she saw was him. Desire glowed like burning coals in his dark gaze and tightened his chiseled features. The heat mirrored the urgency stirring inside her.

Andrea’s heart beat hard against her chest. “I’m afraid to lose control.”

“Then take control instead.” He came closer, offering himself to her.

Andrea’s eyes widened with understanding—and excitement. She scanned his body, from his model good looks to his athlete’s build—broad shoulders, slim waist, taut hips, and long legs. He was putting all of that under her control? She closed her eyes briefly as images overwhelmed her.

She stepped forward. Standing on her toes, Andrea raised her hand to cup the back of his head. She brought him closer and whispered against his mouth, “I accept your offer.”

Their lips touched and a shiver moved through her body, from head to toe. She was light-headed, lost in the taste and texture of him, like a fine liqueur. Strong. Full. Addicting. She touched the tip of her tongue to his lips. He opened his mouth, giving her more of himself. She slipped inside and swept the moist cavern, seeking more of his flavor.

Troy groaned deep in his throat. Andrea answered his call, rising higher on her toes to press against him. Her fingertips pressed into the corded muscles of his shoulders beneath his jersey. His arms wrapped around her, holding her close. His hard body against her. His taste on her tongue. His scent, citrus and cinnamon, in her head. Andrea’s nipples tightened with need.

She broke the kiss. “Your bedroom.”

She sought his gaze. His eyes were even darker than before. His cheeks were flushed. She was the one managing the pace, where they were going and how they would get there. But an urgency was directing her, and she was eager to answer it.

Troy swung her into his arms. “You’re still in control. It’s just quicker this way.”

He crossed his living room and strode down a hallway. He stopped at the first room on his left and pushed the door open with his foot.

Andrea pressed her hand against his chest. His heart was strong, swift, and steady beneath her palm. “Do you have protection?” This sense of urgency wasn’t going to push her into being stupid.

“In the nightstand.”

Her thigh stroked against his erection as her feet touched the floor. Her skin burned through the soft material of her brown pants. All that power under her control. Her stomach muscles clenched in anticipation. She’d been denying her attraction to the Monarchs’ marketing czar for some time. She’d feared a relationship with him could have spelled professional as well as personal disaster. But tonight, with his invitation, her want had overcome her fear, and she would realize a fantasy she hadn’t even known she’d harbored.

“I’m in control?” Even whispering the words made her feel strong, powerful—feelings she’d never had before.

“Yes.” His sexy lips curved just a bit. His heated gaze was a challenge and an invitation.

Andrea swallowed a groan. She stepped closer until she could feel his warmth, breathe his scent. She slipped her hands beneath his jersey. It rose as she stroked over his abdomen. His muscles were tight and flat. They quivered under her touch. Andrea kept her eyes on his, eager to see his reaction to her touch. His smile faded. His eyes burned her.

She traced the line of hair from his navel. She spread her palms on his chest hair that fanned over his pectorals. Abruptly, Troy pulled the jersey over his head, exposing his sculpted torso. Andrea’s mouth went dry. While his arms were tangled in his clothes, she stepped forward to trace his right nipple with her tongue. Troy jerked. She smiled against his chest.

Troy tossed his jersey across the room. “Sneak attacks? I’d have thought that was beneath you.” His grin removed any hint of chastisement.

She turned him so she could walk him backward to his bed. “That’s where I want you.”
