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And he wasn’t even inside her yet. “Look at me, baby.” She lifted her lids, her gaze meeting his and slowly he entered her, fed her his cock inch by excruciating inch. Her body trembled around him, she tightened her arms around his neck but still she never looked away.

It was the most intense moment he’d ever shared with another person in his life.

He pushed all the way in, filling her completely. Pausing for a moment, he drank in her misty features, the little beads of water that clung to her thick lashes, the lushness of her red mouth. He kissed her, thrust his tongue deep, tangling with hers as he withdrew from her almost completely before plunging deep again.

They continued this battle, the sexual push and pull, their mouths still fused, hands gripping each other’s bodies. Slow at first, a sleek, sensual glide that was driving both of them insane until he couldn’t take it anymore.

“Are you close?” He murmured the question against her fragrant neck, licking and nibbling the tender skin.

She shivered beneath his ministrations. “God yes,” she whispered, moving her hips just so, a little moan escaping her. Showing she most definitely was close to her climax. “Faster, Gavin. I’m begging you.”

Increasing his pace, he hammered into her again and again, his orgasm barreling down on him. She was so tight, hot and wet and his cock ready to explode.

He pressed her so close to the wall, he was afraid he smashed her but she didn’t complain. Her whimpers of pleasure grew louder as his thrusts powered faster, until he was ramming inside her so hard, he finally came apart with a shout.

Stream after stream of semen pumped inside her as he ground his hips to hers. He pressed his forehead against the cold tile wall, right next to her head, closing his eyes as wave after wave of pleasure washed over him. She shivered all around him, little cries escaping her, her fingernails digging into his back as she came. Exhaling loudly, his entire body became shaky and he pulled away from her, still shocked at the intensity of his orgasm.

“Wow,” she whispered, a grin spreading across her face. “That was…”

“Amazing,” he finished for her, returning the smile. “You’re amazing.”

Her smile grew tender. “So are you.”

Reaching to his right, he wrenched the faucet off, the now lukewarm water shutting off. “Let’s get out of this shower, get dry and then do this all over again. You game?”

She laughed, leaning up to press a soft kiss to his cheek. “Definitely.”

He needed to keep the moment light. Before he went crazy and said something that might freak her out.

Like that he was in love with her.

Chapter Eighteen

Alex and Tessa Worth’s apartment was amazing, even more beautiful than Rhett and Ella’s, if that was possible. Stasia tried her best not to gawk. She’d lived in some of the most beautiful places in the world—the Renaldi villa had been featured in some of the most prestigious home design magazines out there—but she couldn’t help but stare unabashedly as Tessa led her and her mother through the sleek, modern yet somehow still cozy home.

“Everyone’s in the kitchen,” Tessa said from over her shoulder, a bright smile on her pretty face. “They’re waiting anxiously for your arrival.”

Nerves ate at her stomach and Stasia took a deep breath. She hoped she could actually eat lunch. It would be awful to insult her hosts. “I’m anxious too.”

“Of course you are. We’re all nervous,” Tessa said.

And for all different reasons. Stasia had a feeling she was the most nervous of them all—with the exception of her mother. She’d had to practically drag Mama there.

“Your home is lovely, Mrs. Worth,” Mama said, her voice shaky. Stasia gave her an encouraging smile, wanting to put her at ease.

“Thank you. And please, call me Tessa. Hardly anyone calls me Mrs. Worth. Ah, here we are.” The kitchen was large, bright with the early afterno

on sun. The stainless steel appliances gleamed, the expansive granite countertops were laden with food and the room smelled like heaven.

“Anastasia. It’s so good to see you.” Alex approached out of nowhere, casual in a pair of jeans and button-down shirt. Stasia had never seen him look so relaxed. “Thank you for coming to my home.”

“Thank you for inviting us.” Stasia cleared her throat. “Alex, this is my mother, Claudia.”

The look on Alex’s face was nothing less than cordial as he took Claudia’s hand and shook it. “It is a pleasure to meet you.”

“Yes, thank you.” Claudia bobbed her head, wincing. “I’m so sorry. I’m very nervous.”

“Don’t worry. We all are.” Alex looked at Stasia with a smile. “Won’t you sit down? Care for something to drink?”
