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Or he was just trying to convince himself she didn’t want him around.

Deeming his thoughts utter bullshit, he stripped off his clothes methodically, tossing each piece on the chair that sat by the bathroom door, left his glasses on top of the pile. Turning the door handle slowly, he entered the warm, steamy bathroom, stopped short at the vision before him.

The large glass-enclosed shower was full of billowing steam, but he could still make out the naked woman within. His heart lurched, slowly rolled over itself and as if in a daze, he stumbled toward the shower, grasping the handle with shaking fingers before he opened it and stepped inside.

“Oh!” She turned, her hands covering her breasts, the water streaming down her face. “Gavin.”

“Hey.” He closed the door behind him, his head buzzing at the sight of all that soaped up, naked goodness. “Got room for one more?”

“Um, sure.” She stepped from beneath the spray, a little smile curving her lips. “I can’t believe you’re joining me.”

“Am I unwanted?” Without thought, he reached for her, grasping her waist and yanking her close, streaking his thumbs over all that damp, exposed skin. “I’ll go if you want me to.”

“I want you to stay.” She pushed the wet hair away from her face, staring up at him boldly. “I thought of asking you to join me, but…you were too busy on the phone.”

He raised a brow, all the while running his hands along her sides, up her stomach, her ribcage, until he settled his hands just beneath her plump breasts. “Really?”

She inhaled sharply when he drew his index finger across her left nipple. He watched it tighten into a hard point, couldn’t tear his gaze away from it. “Yes,” she murmured. “Really.”

“Well, I’m not too busy now.” He drew an achingly slow circle around that pretty little pink nipple, dying to taste it, but not just yet. He wanted to draw this out, make her yearn and wiggle and cry out before he’d finally give her what she needed.

“Gavin.” His name left her on a whimper, and he smiled his satisfaction. He’d missed her. Hell, he’d missed this sexual connection that linked them so tightly. She was so responsive, so sensually beautiful.

He couldn’t get enough of her.

Leaning in, he cupped her cheek with his free hand, tilting her head back for his kiss. She parted her lips, her tongue darting out for a quick lick, and he settled his mouth on hers. Softly seeking her tongue with his.

She slipped her arms around him, her hands wandering down to his backside, drawing her nails back and forth across his sensitive skin. He pushed her against the wall, out of the way of the streaming water and thrust his hips against hers. Grinding his cock against her soft belly, he forgot his plan of a moment ago.

Gavin couldn’t take it slow. He wanted her too damn much.

“Oh God.” She broke away from his kiss on a moan when he cupped her breasts with both hands. “I need you inside me, Gavin. Now.”

He rained kisses down the length of her neck, across her chest, licking first one nipple, then the other. She clutched his head close, her fingers tightening in his hair as he drew one nipple deep into his mouth. Sucking, licking, tasting her sweet, lush flesh.

“Please,” she whimpered, tugging on his hair so he pulled away from her breasts. Standing up straight so he could face her, he grabbed her by the waist, hauling her into his arms. She automatically wound her legs around his hips, clinging to him, and he kissed her again. Felt as if he could consume her, drown in her…

Pressing her against the wall, he stared at her rapturous face. Her eyes were closed, her swollen lips parted, her cheeks flushed. “Stasia. Look at me.”

She opened her eyes, her unfixed gaze settling on him and she smiled dreamily. “I need you, Gavin.”

“I don’t have a condom.” And hell if he wanted to leave the shower to go grab one, as selfish as that was.

“That’s okay.” She lifted her hips, brushing against his cock, and he gritted his teeth to contain the moan that wanted to escape. “I’m on the pill.”

“I’m clean,” he swore, excitement bubbling inside of him. Had he ever been inside a woman sans condom before? He didn’t think so. He’d always been the king of safe sex, never wanting to risk anything, especially pregnancy.

He’d seen plenty of high school classmates have to drop out because either she was pregnant or he knocked up a girl and needed to get a job to support his new family. That had scared the shit out of him then. Still sorta scared him now.

No babies for him. Yet.

“So am I.” Her smile grew.

She was a sultry, wet goddess, the woman of his dreams, the woman he missed more than he could ever admit. And now that he had her…

No way was he going to let her go.

“Need you inside me,” she murmured, reaching for his kiss. Their mouths met, clung and he positioned her, brushed his cock against her molten hot center. “Yessss. You feel so good.”
