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Stasia found that comment particularly amusing. After all, she found Gracie’s husband to be a complete asshole.

“It was after my father died, but we didn’t know each other prior. It was a very short—thing,” Stasia finished lamely.

“Oh, dear.” Ella’s quiet voice broke the silence. “Was it more of an ‘I’m turning to him in need of comfort’ sort of thing?”

“Probably.” Stasia drained her wineglass, set it on the table again with a loud clink. “I don’t know. I didn’t like him at first. I fought the attraction.”

“Sounds familiar,” Gracie said dryly.

“He pursued you, then,” Tessa said.

“We pursued each other.” They’d jumped each other that first night at the villa. It had been so strange yet exhilarating. The attraction had been brewing from the moment they first met. She’d denied it for as long as possible. “And then I ended it.”

“Because you didn’t want to ge

t hurt by him first,” Gracie added, earning a shocked look from Stasia. Gracie shrugged. “I know what that’s like. Trust me.”

Stasia studied each woman. Their faces were open, sympathetic, not judgmental. They could relate to her predicament. And it felt…good. So good. “Well, it wasn’t meant to be, so I’ll leave it at that.”

“Hmm.” Tessa sat up straighter, her gaze sharpening. “If that’s the attitude you’re taking, then we’ll support you no matter what.”

“Really?” Stasia’s voice squeaked and she cleared her throat, embarrassed.

“Really,” Ella said softly, her eyes glowing.

“Let’s change the subject.” Tessa was clearly in charge. Probably came with the territory of being married to the oldest Worth brother. “In regards to meeting with the boys, I have good news.”

Stasia liked how she called the Worth brothers “the boys”. “What is it?”

“Whereas before they always protested and wanted attorneys present at all times, Alex has deemed lawyers unnecessary for this particular meeting.” Tessa clasped her hands together. “Instead of meeting in a boardroom full of legal discussions, they’d like to get together for a meal. Lunch, if it’s possible. And no lawyers allowed.”

It was what she’d dreamed of. What she’d hoped for since the moment she discovered she could potentially be a Worth. Why was she so disappointed, then? “That’s great,” she said weakly. “Not like my lawyer could make it anyway. He doesn’t represent me any longer.”

Ella snapped her fingers, the sound so loud, Stasia jumped. “It was your lawyer, wasn’t it?”

Stasia froze. She knew what Ella referred to. How in the world did she figure that out so quickly? “My lawyer?”

“Is he the one you were with romantically?” Ella’s razor-sharp gaze had Stasia gnashing her lower lip.

“Uh…” Stasia didn’t know how to answer.

“We saw you with him, you know. One night at some boring cocktail party, we were lurking in the corner. Rhett was plotting a way to sneak out of there early and we saw you with a man. He became nervous, worried you’d want to talk to him again. Not that he’s afraid of you or anything, but when it’s something that serious, he doesn’t like being the one to handle it. He’d rather hand that over to Alex or even Hunter.”

So Rhett had seen her and wanted to avoid her. Not that she could blame him. She’d been completely crazed at that moment. Desperate to talk to someone, to get the answers she so desperately wanted to hear.

“Rhett then told me later the same man we saw you with that night was the attorney who represented you at that first meeting you all had.” Ella’s gaze met hers, filled with kindness and understanding. “It was him, wasn’t it?”

“It’s okay.” Gracie reached over and patted her arm awkwardly. “Looks like we’ve all had our inappropriate relationships with men we work with. You’re now a full-fledged member of our club.”

Stasia should feel terrible. Guilty for what she’d done with Gavin. But instead, she felt…relieved. So relieved to confess her so-called sins, happy that these three women didn’t judge, didn’t seem to care. That they could actually relate to her predicament.

For the first time in a long time, Stasia felt like she belonged.

“That’s a good one, Gracie. We should definitely form a club,” Tessa said with an eager nod.

“I don’t quite fit in, though,” Gracie pointed out with a smirk. “You all have names that end with an ‘a’ sound and I don’t.”

“Huh. True.” Ella pointed at Gracie. “You can be the head of the club, then.”
