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“So what are you going to do now?” Tessa asked.

Accepting the glass of wine from Ella, Stasia studied Tessa. “What am I going to do?” She sipped her wine, stalling. She didn’t know how to answer.

“Yes, now that you’re back in New York. Are you going to stay? I know you were living here before your…father’s death.” Tessa waved a hand at Stasia’s curious look. “I did research, don’t tell me you haven’t conducted any on us, because I wouldn’t believe you. Google is our friend, after all.”

“And Tessa is good at digging for information,” Gracie added wryly, sitting next to Stasia on the couch. “It’s one of her greatest skills.”

“I’m, um…I’m not sure,” she stuttered, feeling suddenly gauche, surrounded by these women. Confident businesswoman and budding jewelry designer Anastasia Renaldi felt like a crude little girl compared to them.

They had it so together, their lives, their purpose. With their men by their side, two of the three were mothers of beautiful children. They were happy, confident in their choices.

Whereas Stasia felt like she was floating on an endless sea, lost and searching for land. Searching for home.

“Well, besides our wanting to get to know you, since you are a part of the Worth family now, there is a reason I invited you this evening,” Ella said, sitting next to Tessa so that she faced Stasia and Gracie. “They’re ready to meet with you.”

Stasia frowned. “Who?”

“Why, Rhett, Hunter and Alex, of course.” Ella smiled, the picture of serenity. “We convinced them they’re being ridiculous, trying to avoid you.”

Stasia’s suspicions were correct. They were avoiding her. It hurt to realize, but at least she’d found out the truth.

“Alex wants to talk to you. Desperately,” Tessa added. “He asked that I schedule something, perhaps early next week, if your schedule permits. He can’t quite let go of the fact that I was once his assistant.”

Stasia’s jaw dropped open. “You’re kidding.”

Tessa shook her head. “I’m not. Actually, all three of us started out as employees of Worth.”

“And then went on to indulge in improper relationships with our boss,” Ella said chirpily.

Stasia turned to Gracie. “Even you?”

Gracie slowly nodded, set her wineglass on the coffee table in front of her. “Even me. Hunter was my boss. We worked in the marketing department together. I fought him tooth and nail the entire time he pursued me.”

“Wow,” Stasia murmured, digesting what they said. Her thoughts turned to Gavin. How she’d told them their relationship was inappropriate. How she pushed him away because of it.

But deep down inside, she knew that hadn’t been the real reason, more like the perfect excuse. She’d grown too scared, afraid she’d become dependent on him and fall apart when he left. And he would’ve left.

Almost a month ago, those were her irrational fears. It had felt like everyone abandoned her. Not Gavin, though.

She’d abandoned him first.

“Do you have a special someone in your life, Anastasia?” Ella asked.

“Um…no.” Stasia shook her head, wondering if they could read minds. “And please. Call me Stasia.”

“Are you sure you’re being honest with us? You were a little too hesitant with that answer,” Ella teased.

“Leave her alone.” Tessa nudged Ella in the side with her elbow. “Maybe she doesn’t want to talk about him.”

Stasia sighed. “Am I that obvious?”

“Yes, you are,” Gracie murmured.

They were far too observant—and intuitive. Taking a big swallow of wine, she set the glass on the coffee table. Cleared her throat. Gathered her courage. “There was a certain someone, but it didn’t last long. And the…relationship wasn’t under the best of circumstances.”

“That’s too bad.” Tessa tsked sympathetically. “Did you split up before your father died or after?”

“If it was after, the guy must be a complete asshole, leaving you like that,” Gracie said viciously.
