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Reluctantly, he did as she asked, his head cocked toward where she stood, desperate to hear the rustling of clothing as it slid off her body. He was rewarded for his efforts. Heard the thunk of her sandals hitting the concrete as she slipped them off her feet. The tug of her dress as she whipped it over her head, the oversized silver necklace she wore dropping back against her chest with a soft clank.

Feeling brave, he shot a quick glance over his shoulder, caught her standing there with a pair of snow-white panties on, the necklace gleaming against her tanned skin and…

Nothing else.

Withholding the groan that wanted to escape, he closed his eyes for a moment, straining for control. Those innocent-looking panties would be his downfall. More lace than cotton, they clung to her hips, dipping so low they barely covered her front. And when she turned to set her dress onto a nearby chair, the perfect globes of her pert ass were on full display.

His mouth watered. He almost hoped she’d jump in with the panties on, so they would get nice and wet and see-through and fuel some other fantasy he never knew he harbored for her.

“You’re staring.”

He jerked his gaze from her ass to find her watching him, a bemused expression on her face, her arms crossed in front of her chest, blocking his view. “Sorry.”

“You promised you wouldn’t look.”

“I couldn’t resist.”

She smiled, unhooked the necklace and tossed it on a table, where it landed with a loud clank. “I guess I can appreciate your honesty.” She hooked her fingers around the waistband of her panties, started to take them off in front of him, but he stopped her with an emphatic, “No!”

Pausing, she wrinkled her brow in confusion. “What?”

“Keep them on,” he said, his voice quiet. Dark.

A flush swept over her cheeks and she pushed her hair off her shoulders, her breasts thrust forward, nipples hard, mouthwatering mounds of flesh he wanted to feast on. With a deftness that impressed him, she dove into the water, a quiet ripple the only indication she’d jumped in. He watched with unmitigated interest as she swam under the water across the length of the pool, finally popping up in the shallow end.

“Nice,” he called out.

Stasia turned, slicking her wet hair back from her face. “Thanks.”

“Feeling better?”

She nodded, her expression one of surprise. “Actually, I am.”

“Water feels good?”

“Definitely.” She swam toward him, stayed a safe distance away when she reached the middle of the pool where he stood. “Want to race?”

He raised a brow. “Seriously?”

She nodded as she treaded water, keeping herself chin deep. Smart move on her part. If he saw her half-naked, glistening-with-water body, he’d probably do something rash. Like grab her, finish what they’d started last night. “Scared?”

“Hell no.”

“Then let’s do it. Start at the shallow end, two laps, whoever touches the wall first wins.”

“Sounds good,” he said reluctantly, following her to the shallow end. She would smoke him. He’d never had any sort of formal lessons, had taught himself at the crappy, crowded public pool where he grew up. She, on the other hand, moved with an effortless grace, as if she’d been born to the water.

She was going to win. And they both knew it. If this little race helped her burn off some steam and aggression, then so be it.

“You know you’re going to lose, right?” she taunted him, a saucy smile curving her lush mouth, and he wanted to kiss her. Drown in her taste, feel that silky tongue of hers sliding against his. Make her forget all about races and blaming mothers and thoughtless fathers. Until all she could focus on was the two of them, together. Sliding inside her, feel her velvety hot wetness clutch him tight, fill her again and again until both of them were coming.

Damn. He needed to focus. She already had the advantage and he didn’t need to give her any more.

“Who says I’m going to lose?” he tossed back.

The naughty smile grew to a full-blown grin and she clung to the edge of the pool, ready to sprint in front of him and most likely kick his ass. He went to where she waited, clung to the tiled edge of the pool much like she did, admiring the tiny droplets of water that clung to her skin like sparkly diamonds.

“I’m feeling competitive tonight,” she said.
