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“Come on.” He smiled. Something he rarely did and he knew he’d shocked her. “I’m hot and tired and I know you are too. A quick swim will cool us off.”

Or heat them up. Not that he’d mention that.

“Fine.” She sighed, watching from where she sat as he stood. Seeing her like that, her head tossed back, her gaze imploring as she stared at him, sent a fresh wave of lust coursing through him.

His timing was bad. Sex had to be the very last thing she was thinking of. For whatever reason, it was forefront in his mind. He couldn’t avoid it if he wanted to. And it was all her fault. This woman, who made him feel. Who made him think, who sometimes irritated the ever livin’ crap out of him.

It made no sense. It made perfect sense.

“Let’s go.” He started toward the door, stopping when he realized she wasn’t following. “What’s wrong?”

“Are you going into the pool dressed like that?” She waved a hand at him, confusion written all over her face.

He glanced down at himself before meeting her gaze once more. He wore khakis and a black button-down, had dressed up somewhat to impress her mother. “Hadn’t planned on it.”

She let loose a strangled sound. “Aren’t you going to change into swim trunks?”

“Nah. I’m jumping in naked.” He laughed when he saw the shocked look on her face. “What? You did it last night.”

“Yeah, but…” She paused, as if she struggled with what to say next. “You expect me to jump naked into the pool with you?”

“If you want,” he said nonchalantly. “Or grab your swimsuit and put it on real quick.” If she chose to wear the bikini, he’d be disappointed. No matter how unbelievably hot she looked in those two scraps of fabric, he still would rather see Stasia wearing nothing at all.

Nibbling on her lower lip, she contemplated him, running her gaze over him, from the top of his head to the tips of his toes. He wondered what the hell she saw.

Wondered if she liked what she saw.

“It’s probably not a good idea,” she finally said. “But I’m tired of worrying. Let’s go.” She started for the door, threw it open and walked past him.

Leaving Gavin with no choice but to follow.

Chapter Eleven

The night air was warm and heavy, a sultry breeze blowing

but not cooling his heated skin. He was too amped up, too filled with barely restrained energy over what was going to happen tonight.

And something was most definitely going to happen. The tension brewing between them was too electric to deny.

Watching out of the corner of his eye, anticipation curled through him while he waited for Stasia to strip and join him. He’d wasted no time once they arrived poolside. Shucking his clothing, tossing them piece by piece on a nearby chair until he was completely naked, he’d jumped into the pool, thankful for the cool relief.

Not thankful she remained standing near the deep end, studying him. Oh, she’d pretended to avert her head when he exposed his more intimate parts, but he’d caught her staring. More than once.

“Are you coming in?” he asked, splashing water in her direction.

She stepped back, but a few droplets hit the hem of her skirt. “Stop it.”

“What? Afraid you’re going to get a little wet?” He smirked.

She sent him an irritated glare and he smiled in return. “You’re in a mood.”

Right. He was in a good mood when usually he was a scowling ass. “The water feels great. You should strip and join me.”

“I can’t with you watching me.” She twirled her finger in a circle. “Turn around.”

“Why? I’ve already seen it all.” And what a glorious sight it was.

She rested her hands on slim hips, a knockout in the simple, bright blue strapless dress she wore. It had given him fits all night, was giving him fits now, what with the way her breasts strained against the top, looking ready to burst free. “Turn. Around.”
