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He smiled patiently, the sight of it making her heart flutter just the slightest bit. “I asked where you’re staying so I can have legal send over the contract to your hotel. You are staying at a hotel, correct?”

“Yes, I’m not from here.” That was probably obvious but oh, well.

She gave him the name of the hotel she’d checked in to late last night and he frowned. “Pardon my language, but that place is a shit hole.”

Shrugging, she bit back the laugh that wanted to escape. He didn’t mince words, did he? “It’s all I can afford.” Her father may be one of the most celebrated perfumers of all time, but the last job he worked, really worked, was years ago. And while she had picked up jobs here and there, the income hadn’t amounted to much. She’d spent it all to keep them afloat.

She desperately needed this job for financial reasons alone.

“No.” He shook his head and pulled his cell phone out from the inside pocket of his jacket, tapping away at the screen until he brought it up to his ear. “I can’t let you stay there. Let me make some arrangements.”

“But I couldn’t ask you to do that. I’m perfectly fine where I’m at.” She started to get out of her chair, but he held up that finger again, silencing her, stopping her in her tracks.

“We have a hotel where we keep rooms on hold for matters such as this.” He paused, and she could tell whoever he’d been calling answered. “Yes, this is Rhett Worth. We’re in need of one of the rooms you hold for Worth Luxury.” He paused again, listening to whatever the person on the other end had to say and Ella blatantly studied him.

Oh, he was smooth. Easy on the eyes, very pleasant to listen to, with a voice like butter and a commanding yet devilish air about him she found vastly appealing. It wasn’t smart, thinking like this, but she’d never been one of those women who everyone said was so intelligent, so strong.

She was more on the whimsical side. Creative and usually quiet, but so full of exuberance when she found something she was passionate about.

Like scent.

And she knew it would be extremely easy to become passionate about Rhett Worth…

“Perfect. You can expect Miss Durand there within the hour.” He ended the call and slipped his cell back into his pocket. “I’ll send you to the hotel with a car and driver. I assume your luggage is where you’re currently staying at?”

She nodded mutely.

“I’ll have someone pick it up and send it over to the Warwick. I reserved a suite for you.”

Her mouth dropped open. “A suite? I can’t afford it. Even with the pay you’re offering, which I’m sure is more than generous…”

“You won’t be paying for it,” he interrupted, clearly irritated. Maybe even a tad insulted. “Worth will comp you for your stay. It’s the least we can do, considering how quickly we must get to work on this project.”

Well. Didn’t he have a way of taking over her life completely and arranging it to suit his needs? Not that she was complaining, oh no. But she’d never had a man take such total charge of her before. Her father was definitely more the spontaneous type, which unfortunately, was a kind way to say he was a bit of a pushover. Her past few boyfriends, not that there had been many, were all the suffering artist-types who never had enough money to pay for lunch, let alone try to tell her what to do and how to do it.

This man commanded her as if he had every right to do so. Once she signed the contract, linking them together, perhaps then he would hold that right. But for now…

For now, he was a very attractive man with alpha-male tendencies she couldn’t help but find appealing.

“I’m sure you’d like some time to relax, maybe freshen up a bit. I’ll call for a car to take you over to the Warwick right now. Watch for the contract soon after you arrive. We can meet for dinner and discuss the terms. I’ll try my best to answer any questions you might have. How does that sound?”

“Um, it sounds…” Crazy? Too fast? Unbelievable? “Fine. That’s all fine.”

He smiled again, looking every inch the dazzling young prince of Manhattan, which he was. And she was about to become his bedraggled little servant. “I’ll pick you up at seven. Meet me in the lobby of the hotel?”

“A-all right.” She nodded, overwhelmed by the entire process. He spoke so fast, expected no argument and when he flashed that smile of his, her brain seemed to switch off completely.

Rather disconcerting, all of it.

He stood and she followed his lead, watching in disbelief as he rounded the table so he stood directly in front of her, his hand thrust out. She took his proffered hand, shaking it, all the while in a semi-daze at the whirlwind that had just swept her up and changed her life completely.

“I look forward to doing business with you, Gabriella.” The words were offered warmly, as was the smile. His dark blue gaze locked on her face, his too-large, too-warm hand still wrapped around hers.

“It’s Ella,” she said faintly, clearing her throat when his dark brows drew together. “My friends, my father call me Ella.”

“Well, then, I would be honored to call you Ella.” The smile grew and only then did he finally release her hand. “I’ll see you later this evening.”

“Rhett,” she said to his broad back after he turned and started toward the door.

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