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Underdogs should stick together. Now if he could get her to agree…

“I understand. And honestly, I don’t want your father any longer.” Rhett paused, letting his words sink in before he delivered what would surely be shocking news. “I want you.”

Her eyes went wide and her lips parted before she pressed them together again, as if she searched for something to say and couldn’t quite muster the words. “Are you sure?”

He couldn’t help it—he began to laugh. She looked so damn surprised, sounded so incredulous that he wondered if anyone had ever made such a declaration to her before. Perhaps he was the first.

And why did that give him such a possessive streak?

“You’re laughing,” she pointed out after he still hadn’t answered her. “If this is some sort of joke, I don’t think it’s funny.” She started to stand and he shook his head, holding his hands out in front of him.

“No, no. This isn’t a joke. I’m dead serious.” He composed himself, feeling every bit an ass for making her so defensive. Women were sensitive creatures. No wonder he wasn’t any good at keeping one around longer than a day. “Worth Luxury is very interested in having you take the helm and lead us into the women’s perfume industry.”

“B-but I don’t have a lot of experience, you know,” she started and he cut her off by holding up a single finger, silencing her.

“Don’t ever admit your faults. Your lack of experience, your uncertainness, none of it should ever be revealed.” He studied her, the too-expressive face, how it revealed everything. She’d make a terrible negotiator. “Don’t give me a reason to agree with you and withdraw my offer.”

Gabriella clamped her lips shut and nodded, those pretty sky-blue eyes still wide as she stared at him. She didn’t say a word, which pleased him to no end.

“I believe you have more than enough experience to create a fragrance for Worth that is unlike any other out on the market today. Something unique yet universal, fresh yet exotic, familiar yet different. You’ve studied with your father, worked close with him your entire life. You have a perfumer’s nose and that is something that cannot be learned. You were born with it.”

Her cheeks colored becomingly. She had an air of innocence about her that he found thrillingly refreshing. And dare he think it—infinitely arousing. “Thank you,” she murmured. “Not many will take a chance on me. They declare I don’t have enough experience. Or they’re afraid I might be as flaky as my father.”

“Your father is old and tired. He’s been an eccentric for years.” He leaned forward, ready to drive his point home. “Don’t let him control your life. Don’t let your father’s reputation hold you back. You’re on the cusp of breaking out and becoming a star. And I want to help you do that.”

“You do?” she whispered, disbelief lacing her voice.

He nodded in agreement. “I do. We do, all of us here at Worth. If you agree to join us as our in-house perfumer, though, we need you to start right away. As in yesterday, Gabriella. Can you do that?”

“Oh yes, I can.” She nodded emphatically, her ponytail sliding along the front of her dress. His gaze zeroed in on that spot, her exposed collarbone, the delicate lines of it, the creamy smoothness of her skin.

His skin prickled, arousal washing over him in a luxurious, slow wave, riveting him in place. He wanted her.

Scratch that, he was merely attracted to her. There was a distinct difference. The air of innocence, the wide-eyed wonder she had going for her, it was unusual. Normally he wanted to drag a woman into his bed, spend the night with her until the both of them were spent, before he went on his merry way by the early morning light.

Gabriella Durand, though, intrigued him. He wanted to know more, coax it out of her, learn what she wanted out of life, what she believed in, what she’d experienced in her past. Spend time with her, seduce her slowly, until the both of them could resist no longer and fell into bed together. She would be naked and willing, and he fierce and ready to take what she so generously offered.

Rhett frowned. Ah hell, he was attracted to a woman he wanted—hell, needed to work with. This couldn’t be good.

Panic replaced arousal swiftly, making him break out in a damp sweat. Look at what happened to his brothers. They became involved with women they worked with and now they were settled down, supposedly happy in their domestic roles.

The very last thing Rhett needed was a wife or a fiancée or a freaking baby. Just because Gabriella Durand was pretty and sweet and had lips ripe for kissing, it meant absolutely nothing. He was working with her, which made her off-limits. Untouchable.


Excitement flooded her, made her want to leap up and scream with joy. But she held it together, just barely, sitting in the plush leather chair that was far more comfortable than any piece of furniture they owned at home. Listening to Rhett Worth spell out in no uncertain terms just how much he wanted her to work for him and for Worth Luxury.

That he really wanted her and not her father felt like a dream come true. Doubt had filtered in at first, it couldn’t be helped. Was he settling because he couldn’t get her infamous father?


ybe…but she wasn’t going to let that fact get her down or start second-guessing herself. He was right. Talking down her accomplishments—or lack of them—wasn’t going to get her anywhere. She needed to be strong, positive and believe in herself.

That Rhett wanted her to work for Worth Luxury was the boost of confidence she’d been looking for.

“…I’ll talk to our legal department, have them draw up the contract and then forward it to you. Where are you staying?”

She shook her head slightly, still a little dazed. Did he just say he wanted to send her a contract agreement today? “Pardon me?”

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