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But it could never be.

The moment the ding sounded and the elevator doors slid open, she was out like a shot. Her heels clicked loudly on the marble floor as she hurried through the lobby. People threw her odd glances as she whizzed by, no doubt wondering why in the world she was practically running out of the hotel. She hoped Hunter didn’t think less of her for running away from him.

It was all about self preservation now. She couldn’t afford to let herself linger. One false move and she’d give in to him like the too-easy girl that she was.

She’d almost made it to the doors leading outside when she felt him just behind her. Reaching for the door, he held it open, and she had no choice but to slip out with a murmured thank you.

“I practically had to run to keep up with you,” he chastised as they stood together outside of the hotel. He didn’t even sound winded. “What’s your hurry?’

“I’m, um, anxious to get home.” She offered him a tentative smile and nodded eagerly when the bellman looked her way. She needed a taxi as soon as possible, had to get away from Hunter and quick.

“She’ll ride with me,” he said to the bellman, and she turned to Hunter in surprise. Great, there went her plan of escape. “I have a car waiting. I can take you home,” he explained.

She frowned. “A car?” Oh, right. Sometimes she forgot just how rich and powerful the Worth family was. Of course, he had a car with a driver. He could afford to keep a fleet of ten cars with a driver for each one at his disposal, the Worths were that wealthy.

“It’s right over there.” He waved a hand toward a sleek black Lincoln Town Car and cupped his other hand around her elbow, guiding her toward the vehicle. “Where do you live?”

“Um, Queens.” She winced. It would be at least a thirty-minute drive to get to her place. And though she lived in a decent neighborhood, it was surely nothing like the posh Manhattan apartment she knew Hunter kept.

“Not a problem. You can give your address to Donny,” Hunter offered smoothly, referring to his usual driver. “He can get you where you need to be.”

She smiled weakly in return. Just great. Thirty-plus minutes alone with Hunter in the back of a car. It sounded like absolute torture.

And also absolute bliss, not that she’d ever admit it.

Hunter opened the car door for her and she slipped inside, the warmth of the interior wrapping around her like an embrace. She scooted across the buttery soft leather seat, settling herself in the corner, as far away from Hunter as possible.

This was exactly what she’d wanted to avoid, being alone with him for a long stretch of time. After giving him the speech about their not mixing well and leaving him alone on the dance floor, she thought she wouldn’t have to deal with this tonight. Or ever. She’d hoped to wipe her hands clean of him and all the potential chaos he could bring into her personal life if she let him in once and for all. Strictly professional, she told herself again and again. That’s how she needed to keep their relationship.

But here they were. She had the distinct feeling Hunter was secretly pleased.

Maybe the telltale smirk on his face was the first clue.

He slammed the car door and looked her way. “Are you comfortable?”

She nodded, and his eyes narrowed, but she ignored him. Her butt was lodged between the seat and the door, but she’d survive.

“Why are you sitting so far away?”

Gracie was tempted to roll her eyes, but she restrained herself. “I should’ve taken the subway. Much safer,” she muttered under her breath.

He laughed, damn it, which meant he’d heard her. “Do you hate me that much?”

“Oh, I don’t hate you.” Her unspoken words lingered heavy in the air. The car pulled away from the curb and inched out onto the crowded street.

“Really?” He arched a cynical brow. “I find that hard to believe.”

“How could I hate you? You’re my boss. You’re fair, reasonable, smart and an excellent leader.” He chuckled and she shook her head. “I’m not trying to suck up, you know. And of course, I respect you.”

Hunter immediately sobered, all remnants of his laughter gone in a snap. “Even after what happened between us?”

She swallowed hard, stunned that he would mention it. Perhaps she wasn’t the only one who couldn’t let it go.

But how stupid could they be, not letting it go? He was her superior. They had to work together closely every day. It would make things terribly awkward if they were to assume some sort of secret affair.

Whatever they would start, it wouldn’t last. Hunter was a notorious womanizer. All the Worth men were known to be, especially Rhett. Though of course, Alex had become a one-woman man thanks to his sweet new wife Tessa.

That Gracie would consider Hunter relationship material was beyond foolish. She didn’t do relationships and he definitely didn’t do them. He was just looking for a good time. She knew he would provide it too. His reputation preceded him. Her own personal—though brief—experience with him cinched it.

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