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They all turned to look at Rhett.

“I love the way it smells,” he announced once he had their attention. “You get off the plane and it’s the first thing you notice. The heat and the scent.”

“I noticed that too,” Gracie said.

“See?” He pointed his empty beer bottle in Gracie’s direction. “That’s what I’m talking about. How can we capture the essence of the island in a bottle? Do you think we can?”

“What are you getting at, Rhett?” Hunter asked.

Gracie thought she knew. There had been plenty of strategic planning among the brothers for months over Rhett returning to New York to herald a new project. A huge and very important project Hunter believed his brother wasn’t ready for, but she wasn’t so sure.

Rhett appeared ready—and eager—for the job.

“That’s what I want the scent to be for Worth Luxury. Like this island.” He sniffed loudly, and Charlotte giggled. “I want the perfume to smell like Maui.”

“That’s not a bad idea,” Alex said slowly, his forehead wrinkled. It appeared he was really contemplating Rhett’s suggestion. “A sophisticated Maui, if you will.”

“Oh, Alex, do you always have to be such a stuffed shirt?” Tessa smacked him on the shoulder with a grin.

Gracie smiled. How she adored spending time with this family. They’d embraced her with open arms. Tessa was always so gracious and thankful for another female to spend time with among the Worth males. Alex had taken on an almost fatherly role with her. Protective and full of gentle guidance, while Rhett was the younger playful brother who wanted to involve her in his mischief. Charlotte was getting so big, toddling around, her vocabulary growing with every day that passed.

How she wished her grandmother had been able to go with them, but she decided to stay home. Not much of a flyer, she was having the time of her life now that she was fully recovered from her heart surgery, volunteering at the local bingo hall and hitting on a particular gentleman who had suddenly picked up an excessive bingo habit.

Becky hadn’t been able to come either, though Gracie had wanted her there as her maid of honor. The animosity between her and Hunter had been squared away once everything had been explained. Becky had met a man as well—not a bingo player like Grandma—and they’d fallen in love. She was saving her vacation time for her upcoming honeymoon.

Gracie could never begrudge her friend’s happiness.

And then there was Hunter. Her sweet, sexy husband. She looked at him, so much love building up within her, she felt like she might explode with it.

He took care of her, loved her with all his heart and soul. Passionate and sweet, firm and sexy, protective and thoughtful, he was the man she never knew she’d always wanted.

“Do you think it’s a good idea for the perfume to smell like the Hawaiian islands?” Rhett asked, looking straight at her.

“Um…” She noticed every single person had turned their attention to her, even Charlotte. “I think it’s a great idea. I’ve smelled lots of tropical-scented perfumes before, but they were always too much.”

When she didn’t say anything else, both Alex and Rhett nodded, Alex even urging, “Go on.”

“They were too strong, you know? You either end up smelling like a coconut or a piña colada.”

“She’s right. There’s not much subtly when it comes to tropical scents,” Tessa added.

“That’s what I want. Subtle, sophisticated Maui, the scent of the island breeze coming off the ocean.” A dreamy look crossed Rhett’s face. “That’s it.”

“I know we said we wouldn’t discuss business on this trip, but I have to say this. We’ve been looking into a perfumer. I believe we’ve found someone perfect. A gentleman who’s been in the business for over forty years, his expertise is far above anyone in the field. And he’s available,” Alex said.

“What are you saying?” Rhett asked.

“I’m saying you should come back to New York and get started on this as soon as possible.”

“Alex…” Hunter started, but Gracie rested her hand on her husband’s forearm. He shouldn’t interrupt. This needed to be done. It was time for Rhett to take on more responsibility and prove he was a mature, smart businessman who put Worth first.

“I won’t let you down.” Rhett looked from Alex to Hunter. “Either of you. I promise.”

Gracie smiled. Rhett winked at her. She believed him. She only hoped her husband did too.

“He’s going to do a good job, you know,” Gracie said much later, long after they went back to their hotel suite. She lay cuddled up to his side as best as she could, her belly joining them. Both of them naked, their skin misted with sweat, the fan circling lazily above them cooling their heated flesh.

Hunter especially loved the moments like this,

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